eMule der P2P Filesharing Client dient zum downloaden von Filmen, Movies, Software, Spielen, Games und Erotik. Zum herunterladen braucht eMule eine schnelle Internet Connection Verbindung bzw. Internet Zugang notwendig: DSL Flatrate und guter Provider: Arcor, T-Online, Congster


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eMule Plus 0.23 Vorlost Omikron.5a

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If there are problems starting this MOD, delete in the folder Temp all .stsrc files.

01.Mär.03(Vorlost.1i ->BETA-4 !!!<-)
- New Splashscreen Logo[Pink Frog]

- Codeupdate to 0.23b.1, Statistics are now updating automatically
- Codeupdate otherfunctions(used by statistics) from 16.11.02 -> 13.12.02

- There are new mlDonkey´s out there which send corrupt "Hello-Packet´s" in order to
crash eMule(invalid Username), but i discovered that they try to crash eMule with
invalid port-numbers too or try to disable communication with eMule sending us
a different clientport.
- We just ignore these crashers and don´t add them as possible clients anymore
(to avoid further attacks)
- fixed: Found another download-packet(empty ?) that leads to a crash
- changed faked Port-Range from 23-10000 to 23-65535 other ports show crash-message
- ipfilter.dat is supported now too with some additional Text for the Log...

UAP(Upload Auto Priority)[Tarod]:
- feature: Auto-Disable UAP(UploadAutoPriority[Tarod]) when a file is Paused[Vorlost]
Resuming that file reactivates UAP if previously set.
- updated: UAP-Code to eMule0.25b - Tarod.16d
(Tarod changed high-priority from <200 sources to <1000 !!!, seems to be a wrong modifier
RARE_FILE(=40)*25=1000 instead of RARE_FILE*2.5)...
- changed: Now Release-Priority(<20 Sources) will be given too if the min. availability
of a partchunk is <= 10, High-Priority(<50 Sources) or availability <= 25
UAP assigns Release & High only if at least 1 needed partchunk is available.
- changed: Now the PartFilePrio is only saved when needed[vorlost]
-> creating a new file, updating priority manually with the menu
With this the Priority ´normal´ from Auto-Disable-UAP is no longer saved to hd.
After a restart of eMule and resuming a paused file -> the previously set-priority
will be restored.
- removed: code was present twice, now my modification should really work...

Movie Preview Mode:
- Is now named File Preview Mode
- bug fixed(uncritical) in "Load rarest finished chunks - Patch2" -> V2.1 now FilePreview
only needs overall >5 same parts to enable Loading Of Preview-Partchunks, was sometimes
randomly 10.
- features: Preview-Modes allowed for Sound & Archive[Vorlost]
- features: from 0.25b ArchiveRecovery added[Barry],
show corrupt Archive-Entrys too[Vorlost] -> Preferences/Files
- added: VLC-Support (completely untested)
[build in Preview Code(Movie,Sound) is diabled, only moviepreview via VLC is possible !!!]
(This Part will be rewritten because only always the 2 first & 2 last partchunks were been
taken to build a preview-file, CPU goes 100% if file is shorter than 2 partchunks,
other downloaded blocks/parts ignored)

- fixed: Preferences source-income Log-checkboxes doesn´t load their setting from prefsfile,
LogTCP-Sources:already known sources are assigned to this switch too
- changed: DataRate is max.4000 allowed with UploadThrottle(uses autom. higher upload if
- updated: Directories to 0.24b-5b Code
- Log Anticrash-Attacks(code improved) & BanShield(code improved)
- Allow Multiple Instances of eMule(nearly all code added, some changes in prefs missing,
but maybe it could work a little bit)
- Verbose: Added More Information about LoadingBlocks & MovieParts,
WrongPartNumber will only be displayed with Verbose enabled now...
- See my share: Is now available for Friends too
- Disable SlowMovingUploadSources(AntiLeech) for all or just Friends is ready
- raised: The Upload-queuesize to 10.000 !!!
- bugfixed: Preferenes/General/Write Log to File should save only 1-Line per time instead
of the whole Text again with a new Line...

Updates toward 0.25b:
- update: from 0.25b > CPartFile::DeleteFile() added other file extentions that should
be deleted when a file will be removed: .movie, .stats
- update: to 0.25b-code Preview[but disabled, much changes to do here...]

- changed: variable init of SlowMovingUploadSources changed(works the same as before)
- can be disabled for Friends or for all in the Preferences(disables all AntiLeech-Features)

- The min. Uploadtime of 10 Minutes is disabled for SlowMovingUploadSources
(Friends will now always be holded this 10 Minutes.)
- We have now a Friend-Slot, this Friend will be holded max. 1.5hours in the Uploadslots
(only the Friend with the most score will be held if more than 1 is present)
- When we hold Friends they are always called Friends not Yellow-Client if they own score.
- Uploads can be longer 1.5h now if we download >=2.5kb at the same time from a client

- Clients where we can´t upload to will be kicked out after 2min.
- Clients who don´t upload >=2.5kb at the same time will be released after one hour to
prevent endless upload.(not for Friends or Clients with Score)
- Clients where we have reached our max. score will be released after 10min...

- changed [Loaded Sources] will be loaded until MaxSourcePerFileSoft is reached instead of
MaxSourcesPerFile, so we have more room for [Exchanged Sources] left.

- Show Friends, Show SlowMovingUploadSource, Show Client´s place in our Uploadqueue
- Show both Version-Informations( Network[eDonkey]/eMule )
- Show masked mlDonkey´s: <ClientSoft: mlDonkey(emule)>
- Show Providername of the Client & Server when ipfilter.dat is available

- fixed: Clicking on an ed2k-link opened another eMule
- fixed: When we run low on hd some files will be paused but we still receive data
for this file -> results in a lot of beeps/messages and tries to save on already full hd.
- feature: show masked mlDonkey´s(or non eMule´s) in grey color again
in the upload & download window
- updated: mlDonkey detection code, Banshield works much better now :-)

KnownIssues(all eMule´s):
- eMule crashes if the temp-folder is full( <1MB available )
- eMule kills clients.met, server.met if eMule-Application-folder is full ( <2MB available )
both files are only 0 bytes long after that.




Internet Zugang notwendig: DSL Flatrate und guter Provider: Arcor, T-Online, Congster




eMule .:. Server.Met .:. eMule Download .:. eMule-Anleitung .:. eMule-Archiv .:. allnews.de .:. eMoogle Amazon: Computerspiele
