eMule der P2P Filesharing Client dient zum downloaden von Filmen, Movies, Software, Spielen, Games und Erotik. Zum herunterladen braucht eMule eine schnelle Internet Connection Verbindung bzw. Internet Zugang notwendig: DSL Flatrate und guter Provider: Arcor, T-Online, Congster


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eMule 0.44b Pawcio 5.15f

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Pawcio 4.14 - 15.02.2004
[FIXED] IMPORTANT - No sources asking when not uploading (thanks to Wolph)

Pawcio 4.13 - 29.12.2003
[CHANGED] Cosmetic code change to ICS
[ADDED] BC - detection of the end of upload of small files
[CHANGED] Cumulate Bandwidth possible without the need of minimalization of opened slots
[CHANGED] Include connection overhead possible without "Manage active connection" selected, but then session 1:4 limit forced

Pawcio 4.12a - 27.12.2003
[FIXED] Bug introduced to ICS by me.
[FIXED] Proper display (violet chunks) of incompleted chunks
[FIXED] Power Shared files score
[FIXED] LowID users getting immediately slots after already being on upload queue thanks to dr.clone
[UPDATED] IPFilter.dat thanks to Meuh6879

Pawcio 4.12 - 25.12.2003
[FIXED] EDT thanks to th1
[UPDATED] PNR version 2
[CHANGED] Behaviour of ICS thanks to Sir Boagalott*
[ADDED] QR diff colours from SF-IOM

Pawcio 4.11c
[FIXED] Decimal (.1) value for upload speed (bug introduced in 4.11b)
[REMOVED] rayita fix

Pawcio 4.11b
[UPDATE]To the base code of eMule 0.30e (Kademlia version has also added security fix from 0.30e)
[FIXED]rayita fix for srcpartfrequency
[FIXED]BC for high speed connection (number of opened slots)
[IMPROVED]Credits system (thanks to conversation with Sir Boagalott)

Pawcio 4.11a
[FIXED] A few seconds hangs on some system while Resume/Pause files (conflict between PNR and ws2_32.lib)

eMule Pawcio 4.11 (06.12.2003)
[REMOVED] OnTheFly optimization from eWombat
[FIXED] Small fix to UDP pinger

eMule Pawcio 4.1 (04.12.2003)
[FIXED] Some Bandwidth Control code
[ADDED] UDP ping by dong (If previously USS/DSS hasn't been working for you because your ISP blocked ICMP now it can work! thanks to dong work)*
[FIXED] Minimumcontingent Queue overflow by Xman1
[ADDED] ICS (Intelignet Chunk Selection) from enkeyDev!
[ADDED] PNR (PartFileName recovery) form enkeyDev
[ADDED] EDT (Estimated Download Time) form enkeyDev*
[ADDED] Auto Hard Limit by Sivka! (you can now select diffrent hard limits for every file or leave it to be done automatically)
[ADDED] Active Connection Control by Obelix
[ADDED] High priority process for eMule from MorphKad (as an option in extended settings)
[ADDED] OnTheFly processor optimization from eWombat!
[ADDED] WinSock2 form eWombat
[ADDED] See own comments in SharedFileWindow form MorphKad
[ADDED] Blue cross for clients able to use EDT and/or ICS


Pawcio 4.08 - 28.11.2003
[UPDATED] To the 0.30d base code.
[ADDED] Asterix '*' appears on status bar near the down speed when session 1:4 limit is reached.
[ADDED] Colouring on red files, not seen complete, as an option in "Extended settings"
[UPDATED] To the newest version of SUQWT by Moonlight
[CHANGED] The behaviour of Enable/Disable SUQWT, the restart is needed, but disabled means removed from RAM.

Pawcio 4.07a - 14.11.2003
[FIXED]Wrong wait time when SUQWT is turned on
[UPDATE]IPfilter.dat file (thanks to Meuh6879)

Pawcio 4.07 - 14.11.2003
[FIXED]Wrong wait time when SUQWT disabled
[ADDED]Full french transaltion by MotteDeTerre
[ADDED]Files coloured on red when not seen full sources by Ded
[UPDATE]Changed algorithm for Cumulate Bandwidth
[FIXED] Fixed HideOverShares feature for last chunk.
[FIXED] PowerShare Limit don't depend only on the complet source (to avoid some possible wrong complet source report by other client or ours) by SiRoB (Morph)
[FIXED] Fixed refreshing while managing parts in Shared Files window
[ADDED] Added colours for manually choosen parts: black - Blocked, white - Enabled.


Pawcio 4.06 - 09.11.2003
[FIXED] Crash with QueueOverflow add-on (thanks to rafakolarowa and jeps)
[FIXED] Crash with changing settings in Bandwidth Control tab
[FIXED] Crash on exit
[FIXED] HotFix for number of completed sources by SiRoB, changed temporary a bit the way number of complete sources are calculated (more local dependence)
[FIXED] Filename parse to Anti-vir from "filename to "filename"
[FIXED] Sorting in transher window
[ADDED] Italian language by leonchip!
[UPDATE] Spanish language by Yabba-sp!
[ADDED] Save Upload Queue Wait Time (SUQWT) by Moonlight as an option
[ADDED] Icons for files in transfer window
[ADDED] Limit setting for PowerShare, part file form 1 to 20, completed file 1 - 50
[ADDED] Advanced button in Bandwidth Control tab to hide advanced setting for novice users
[ADDED-KADEMLIA] Server name in detailed window

Pawcio 4.05 - 05.11.2003
[FIXED] Crash reported by Anybody
[FIXED] Waiting queue overflow for PowerShared files and clients with High Ratio
[ADDED] Waiting queue overflow Minimumcontingent by Xman (option in Extended settings)
[ADDED] Infinite queue by SF-IOM (option in Extended settings)
[UPDATE] MobileMule 0.6b
[ADDED] A4AF filenames, changed sort column of Download window

eMule 0.30c Pawcio 4.04 - 02.11.2003
[FIXED] Blocking of eMule
[FIXED] "Rare" wink.gif exit on file completion

eMule 0.30c Pawcio 4.03 - 02.11.2003
[ADDED] MobileMule 0.6x code
[FIXED] Small code fix

eMule 0.30c Pawcio 4.02 - 01.11.2003
[FIXED] PNG bitmaps for toolbar
[ADDED]Allow waiting queue overflow for power shared files and clients with high ratio (>3.0) as option in "Extended Settings" tab
[ADDED]Maella extended clean-up
[IMPROVED]A bit lower cpu and memory usage than in previous versions
[IMPROVED]Code cleaned


eMule 0.30c Pawcio 4.01 - 28.10.2003
[FIXED] Fixes to errors reported in dump files (crashes).

eMule 0.30c Pawcio 4.0 - 26.10.2003
[ADDED] More stable upload/download during high CPU usage by other programs
[ADDED] HDD protection by skynetman
[FIXED] PowerShare for small files (MorphNext)
[FIXED] Other fixes to code.

eMule 0.30b Pawcio 4 RC - 23.10.2003
[FIXED] Crashes on exit and server reconnect
[FIXED] Proper change of the skins
[FIXED] Improved auto new-connections managment
[FIXED] Completed sources by zegzav

eMule 0.30b Pawcio 4 BETA 2 - 21.10.2003
[FIXED] Crash on empty shared file list
[FIXED] Friend list crash
[FIXED] Cancel upload attack 100% cpu usage
[FIXED] Proper display of HideOS and Selective Chunk on context menu (right click in Shared Files)
[FIXED] Code dealing with sockets

Alpha4 version - 01.10.2003:
[FIX] Fix to Bandwidth Control code (prevent crash)
[ADDED] Spanish, French, German (partial) languages

Alpha3bHOTFIX version - 30.09.2003:
[FIX] Fix to CDownloadQueue::SortByPriority() to work with CheckDiskSpace (caused problems with connecting to server)

Alpha3b version - 29.09.2003:
[FIX] USS Scheduler now fully compatible with 0.30b
[FIX] Sorting of eMule version
[ADDED] Check Disk Space (SlugFiller - option in "Extended Settings") thanks to Meuh6789
[ADDED] Anti-leecher and Anti-Credits-Thefs feature form MORPHNext (option in "Extended Settings") thanks to danielsan81 and sam06000
[ADDED] Up/Down Column from LSD thanks to sam06000
[ADDED] Reconnect on LowID (Tarod - "Server" tab in "Preferences") thanks to WiRAHA
[ADDED] WebServer files in zip (thanks to LD86)

Alpha3a version - 29.09.2003:
UPDATE to eMule 0.30b code

Alpha3a version - 27.09.2003:
[FIXED] Performace fix for Bandwidth Control
[FIXED] Bug in DwonloadQueue (thanks to lcf)

Alpha3 version - 27.09.2003:
[FIXED] Yellow icons again(thanks to MorTillo)
[FIXED] Fast cycling of queue when no connection (thanks to Meuh6879)
[FIXED] Important fixes and tunes for Bandwidth Control

Alpha2 version - 24.09.2003:
[FIXED] Number of opened slots
[FIXED] Yellow icons of clients now displayed properly in transfer window[/color]

Alpha version - 22.09.2003



Internet Zugang notwendig: DSL Flatrate und guter Provider: Arcor, T-Online, Congster




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