eMule der P2P Filesharing Client dient zum downloaden von Filmen, Movies, Software, Spielen, Games und Erotik. Zum herunterladen braucht eMule eine schnelle Internet Connection Verbindung bzw. Internet Zugang notwendig: DSL Flatrate und guter Provider: Arcor, T-Online, Congster


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eMule 0.49a NextEMF v1.2

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eMule NextEMF.MoD Charts

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eMule 0.49a NextEMF v1.2 bewerten...

- NextEMF SpecialStat
- AutoHard Limit
- ClientAnalyzer
- ClientDataRate is ajustible
- Dynamic Block Request
- Erweiterte Clienterkennung
- Easy ModVersion
- Improved Upload-Caching
- Kad Improvement
- NextEMF Style (ToolBar, XP-Menu)
- Session Ratio
- Relax On StartUp
- Save CPU & Calm Down On Score Calculation
- Show Bad Mods in all Lists
- Show Modversions in Stats
- SplashScreenEx
- WinSock2 Support
- Worm-Detection
- Additional Security Check
- Prevent USS Spam
- Display Userhash in StatusWindow
- many Fixes and Code Improvements from WiZaRd/Xman/Xanatos/netfinity

eMule 0.49a NextEMF v1.2

Date | Feature / From / Who
12.05.2008 |# merged to 0.49a final [dlarge]
12.05.2008 |# updated CxImage to 6.0 [dlarge]
12.05.2008 |# updated libpng to 1.2.27 [dlarge]
18.05.2008 |+ NextEMF SpecialStat [WiZaRd/dlarge]
16.05.2008 |+ OwnPrefs (nextemfprefs.ini) [WiZaRd]
02.05.2008 |+ don`t send empty Dir`s [WiZaRd]
02.05.2008 |+ Code Optimation for filtered Clients [WiZaRd]
03.04.2008 |+ Collection Fix [CB]
04.04.2008 |+ NoNeededReqeue [WiZaRd/SlugFiller]
04.04.2008 |+ searchCatch [SLUGFILLER]
04.04.2008 |+ Faster UploadTimer [WiZaRd]
04.04.2008 |+ Indicate already downloaded files [WiZaRd]
04.04.2008 |+ CompatClientStats [Stulle/WiZaRd/Spike]
04.04.2008 |+ Reset Kad-IP on IP-Change [Pawcio/Spike]
04.04.2008 |+ Obfuscate HTTP-Transfers [MorphXT/Spike]
02.05.2008 |# updated Client Analyzer from eMuleFuture Mod 0.7b cvs [WiZaRd]
03.04.2008 |# updated P2P Threat from eMuleFuture Mod 0.7b cvs [WiZaRd/Spike2]
03.04.2008 |# smaller Gripper for RollUps [dlarge/eMule+]
08.04.2008 |# fixed possible Crash Bug in TabPrefs [dlarge]
02.05.2008 |# better tagging of most Features [dlarge]
12.04.2008 |- Kad AddOns - not needed in 0.49a [dlarge]
12.04.2008 |- Corruption Black Box Fix - not needed in 0.49a [dlarge]




Internet Zugang notwendig: DSL Flatrate und guter Provider: Arcor, T-Online, Congster




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