eMule der P2P Filesharing Client dient zum downloaden von Filmen, Movies, Software, Spielen, Games und Erotik. Zum herunterladen braucht eMule eine schnelle Internet Connection Verbindung bzw. Internet Zugang notwendig: DSL Flatrate und guter Provider: Arcor, T-Online, Congster


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eMule 0.50a MorphXT 12.6

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MorphXT v1.5-bin.rar
MorphXT v1.5-src.rar

Changelog for eMule 0.41b29 MorphXT v1.5
FIXED  : Several bugfix and update (A4AF and others) [SiRoB/AndClyve]
FIXED : When adding CRC32 tag to a filename, the tag suffix could not be changed. [MightyKnife]
ADDED  : Mass-Rename. Rename multiple files at once in a text field or with a file mask. Select some files in the shared files list, right-click and choose 'Mass rename...'. [MightyKnife]


Changelog for eMule 0.41b29 MorphXT v1.4
FIXED  : Soft Limiter for Queue [Yun.SF3]
FIXED  : The default view value (HideOS, SelectiveChunk,  Permissions & Share Only the Need) in the DownloadFile and SharedFile popup [SiRoB]
FIXED  : When using the SmartA4AFSwapping the requested download list is not well updated [SiRoB]
FIXED  : Popup Category causing crash when NULL is returned by GetCategory() [SiRoB]
FIXED  : Set the minupload and not the maxupload by using the minupload's textbox in the popup systray [SiRoB]
FIXED  : The high cpu usage should be out caused by checking every time if we need to remove (from the upload list) or not a client geting more than 10Mo [SiRoB]
ADDED  : Patch against daylight saving bug. Prevents EMule from rehashing all known files after 6 months when daylight saving comes into effect.
        Can be activated in Morph Preferences. EMule needs to be restarted because it must eventually rehash all files (but only once and then no more)! [MightyKnife]
ADDED  : Limited community support with community tags: Community icon, Columns for community affiliation in up-/client-/queuelist, Shared files visible for community.
        (Of course no change of client rating in upload queue) [MightyKnife]
ADDED  : Report hashing files activities [MightyKnife]
ADDED  : Report activities in friendlist [MightyKnife]
ADDED  : CRC32 calculation/testing for files. Right click on a file in the shared files list lets you calculate the CRC32 for the file.
        Furthermore a releaser tag can be added (together with the CRC) to the filename (of course for multiple files at once, too).
        The calculated CRC is shown in a column on the right - together with an info whether the calculated CRC was found in
        the filename. (Hint: The calculated CRC32 will not be stored in known.met) [MightyKnife]
ADDED  : searchCatch and cacheUDPsearchResults from [SlugFiller-itsonlyme]
NOTE   : IP2Country now support to display flag of the country, this require countryflag.dll, also put it at /config/


Changelog for eMule 0.41b29 MorphXT v1.3
FIXED  : Connection trouble in some case [SiRoB]
CHANGED: Color code in sharedfile [SiRoB/IceCream]


Changelog for eMule 0.41b29 MorphXT v1.2
FIXED  : the wrong construction of the A4AF available part causing messageBox (invalide parameter) [SiRoB]
FIXED  : Default ShareOnlyTheNeed State not saved [SiRoB]
FIXED  : Give access to Multiple Comment Changing [SiRoB]
FIXED  : Systray Popup doesn't disapair in some case (bond006) [SiRoB]
FIXED  : New Download File in Auto or Disable PowerShareMode [SiRoB]
FIXED  : The software client statistic bug, during language change, seems to be out [SiRoB]
ADDED  : IP2Country from Superlexx, for testing purpose only, may be removed
ADDED  : Preferency default for Show share permission [SiRoB]
ADDED  : Boost Friend option from Yun.SF3 [SiRoB]
CHANGED: Some reworked preferency [SiRoB]
CHANGED: PaybackFirst now have same priority as PowerShare and need (client uploaded to you-downloaded from you)>SESSIONAMOUNT(10MB) to reach the requirement [AndCycle]
NOTE   : IP2Country require you to download latest IP-to-Country Database from http://ip-to-country.webhosting.info/, unzip the file then put the ip-to-country.csv at /config/, then you can enable IP2Country at EastShare tab(will require restart mule)

Changelog for eMule 0.41b29 MorphXT 1.1
NEW : You can now find the Morph-News with our RSS Feed at this url "http://emulemorph.sourceforge.net/backend.php" [IceCream]
NEW : German dll language from cyrex2001 added to our official Website, more to come [IceCream]

FIXED : The Multiple affectation to HideOS, SelectiveChunk, and ShareOnlyTheNeed causing crash [SiRoB]
FIXED : TagCount Trouble causing .part corruption [SiRoB]
FIXED : Popup menu permission state in the Download Windows [SiRoB]
FIXED : The Known.met trouble and certainly many other, Great thanks to Tharghan for his support [SiRoB]
ADDED : 2 Columns in SharedFIle to see the HideOS & ShareOnlyTheNeed State [SiRoB]
CHANGED: Network status state in the statusBar [SiRoB]


Changelog for eMule 0.41b29 MorphXT 1.0

NEW : We have taken a new name, MorphXT like eXTented. There are three reasons for that -> (1) Kademlia won't be the final name of the protocol (2) The version number and alpha/beta status were not clear (3) that will celebrate the return of IceCream and the launching of our new Website :D

NEW : Enjoy our new website at http://emulemorph.sourceforge.net [IceCream]
NEW : Enjoy the return of the official Morph translation, only French for the moment but more to come [IceCream]

MERGED : Code merged to 0.41b29 [SiRoB]
ADDED : HideOS config per file [SiRoB]
ADDED : Share Only The Need, originaly inspired by lovelace and implemented by Wistily but in auto mode [SiRoB]
- Hide part already gotten by queued client
- Used only for complete file sharing
- This process is used behind the HideOS feature, if all part are hidden, HideOS is used if it is activated
CHANGED: 1/3 ZZ Ratio is activated now when (1) Friend Slot use (2) PowerShare Use (Not Auto) on incomplete file (3) Otherwise if up <10ko [SiRoB/IceCream]
CHANGED: PBF is disable for the moment [SiRoB]<br>
TWEAKED: Many little fix and update [SiRoB]
REMOVED: Some redondant & useless functions and parameters [SiRoB]



Internet Zugang notwendig: DSL Flatrate und guter Provider: Arcor, T-Online, Congster




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