eMule der P2P Filesharing Client dient zum downloaden von Filmen, Movies, Software, Spielen, Games und Erotik. Zum herunterladen braucht eMule eine schnelle Internet Connection Verbindung bzw. Internet Zugang notwendig: DSL Flatrate und guter Provider: Arcor, T-Online, Congster


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MOD Kommentare... (3.3 / 5 Punkten (3130) )
Board: Fragen und Hinweise: eMule LSD.MoD-Forum...
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eMule 0.46b LSD-22b (Pi)

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Best eMule LSD.MoD

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eMule 0.46b LSD-22b (Pi) bewerten...

-Manual Save/Load Sources Based on enkeyDEV SLS
-Can Drop manual/auto(with limits) (downloading sources) with this status NNS/FULLQ/ASK/TooMany/Connecting
-Search VLC button on registry.
-Edit Name Server.
-Filedetail compression.
-Maella Defeat 0-fillers.
-Live Update Fakes/IPfilter.
-Slugfiller modID statisc.
-Fix sorts in some dlg.
-Identifiy mod generic string and dysplay in list also especific mod id.
-Added extra columns info in some lists.
-Push Rare And Small Files (tarod).
-Disable auto-sort.
-New Priority Level (Yery High/Release) and can use old version.
-QueueSize 2000-100.000
-disable ipfilter msg.
-tab minsize reduzed to 15.
-users to accesc files (very high/release) always enter in queue if is full.
-can change UDP value, 20-120 defaul in kademelia is 50, in emule 100.
-can change Max Sofy value, 100-3000 (and never more than max hard) in kademelia is 500, in emule 1000.
-5 main buttons for accions in all files.
-show system icon on dl_list (NoamSon)
-wistily correct filesize calculation in BarShaders Upload/Download client. for ending blocks or files with less than 9mb.
-Manual Ask Server for new Sources.
-Manual Set XS Answer Timeout (2 * CONNECTION_LATENCY + ::GetTickCount() - SOURCECLIENTREASK ) this cause 44sec delay min between manual asks.
-emule-multi.bat or executing emule.exe -multi allow multiple instances.
-edonkey hybryd display version number fixed.
-In pref_mod displays limits and defaults in statics (min<max) (def), in disabled boxes too.
-Min is default emule value.
-In dl-list client barshader, colors are inversed green/orange and shows wich block are downloading.

extra columns are in this list:

#define M_DOWNLOADCOL 13+1 //[milobac: FakeCheck]
#define M_UPLOADCOL 8+2 //LSD /modver/UP-DL/
#define M_QUEUECOL 10+4 //LSD /modver/UP-DL/Hash/Push RF/
#define M_SEARCHCOL 11+1 //[milobac: FakeCheck]
#define M_SHAREDCOL 13+2 //LSD /Push RF/Push SF
#define M_CLIENTCOL 8+2 //LSD /speed/filename/

Dl_List transferred/client shows total credits up/dl in mb.
Client_List File Col shows - if user is uploading or + if downloading list from your.
In all softversion col shows mod subversion.

Kademlia has new UDP port 4673, i recomend open this in router or firewall.

for compiling need this extra libs:

/srchybrid <-emule folder
/srchybrid/CxImage (compiling this too)


LSD recomended Setings

USS enabled
min 1
max 9/10 or more depending connection

DSS enabled

Include Overhead on
Include TCP pakets on
Auto On

rest all off

if dl with few sources Manage Connections ON if lots of src Off.

Max UDP 50
Max Con 60/120
Max soft 2000
Max Hard 3000

Up Slots 2/4
Max Slots 15
LSD - Official Board http://www.foroteca.net/foro/index.php?s=71b699e38a23864a944f2c6c13545877&act=SF&f=47
Official eMule-LSD Website,http://emule-lsd.tk/

Build Version Progression:

I Recommend open this ports in your router, specially first pair TCP4662/UDP4672.

1) Local Port: 4662
Remote Port: any
Protocol: TCP
Direction: incoming
Purpose: Client Port / Connections from other clients, Client to Client Source Exchange

Note: You can change this port in Preferences -> Connection -> Client Port
This port has to be forwarded in a router. Changing this port in Preferences you must also change the forwarding in the router

2) Local Port: any
Remote Port: 4662
Protocol: TCP
Direction: outgoing
Purpose: Client Port / Connections to other clients, Client to Client Source Exchange

Note: 4662 is the default port, but other clients may have different settings. Change the remote port to any when configuring a firewall

3) Local Port: 4672
Remote Port: any
Protocol: UDP
Direction: incoming
Purpose: Clients source asking / extended eMule protocol, Queue Rating, File Reask Ping

Note: This port has to be forwarded in a router. Changing this port in Preferences you must also change the forwarding in the router.
If you are not able to forward this port check the disable box in Preferences -> Connection -> UDP Port

4) Local Port: any
Remote Port: 4672
Protocol: UDP
Direction: outgoing
Purpose: Clients source asking / extended eMule protocol, Queue Rating, File Reask Ping

Note: 4672 is the default port, but other clients may have different settings. Change the remote port to any when configuring a firewall

5) Local Port: any
Remote Port: 4661
Protocol: TCP
Direction: outgoing
Purpose: Connection to server

Note: 4661 is the default port of a server. Many server use different ports. Configuring a firewall the remote port again changes to any.

6) Local Port: any
Remote Port: 4665
Protocol: UDP
Direction: outgoing
Purpose: Source asking on servers
Note: Servers using the default port 4661 TCP (see #5) automatically set their port for source asking to 4665 UDP. If a server uses a different port in #5 the corresponding UDP port is set to [Connection Port + 4]. For firewalls the remote port here is any.

7) Local Port: 4711
Remote Port: any
Protocol: TCP
Direction: incoming
Purpose: Webserver
Note: This is the default port for the web interface. When using a router this port has to be forwarded or no connection to the webserver will be possible.



Internet Zugang notwendig: DSL Flatrate und guter Provider: Arcor, T-Online, Congster




eMule .:. Server.Met .:. eMule Download .:. eMule-Anleitung .:. eMule-Archiv .:. allnews.de .:. eMoogle Amazon: Computerspiele
