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eMule 0.46b LSD-22b (Pi)

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eMule 0.46b LSD-22b (Pi) bewerten...




- July 03rd, 2003 -
- EMULE 29b LSD-9d -
moving to 29b
fix verify destroy vars
included libz/crypto51 source libs.

- June 11th,2003 -
- EMULE 29a LSD-9c -
MOD- New Icons (KoKaïne)
FIX- req to many XS cause too many overhead.
FIX- block emule 69 and emule v57=< block
FIX- Include patch1+2

- June 06th,2003 -
- EMULE 29a LSD-9b -
Fix-Submenus in DownMenu
Fix-Unban in Friendlist
Fix-FriendSlot in Down/Queue (must be friend 1st)
LSD- Secure Community based on extproto [0x5c String SecureCommunity] Bonus x3
LSD- Also Old Community system based on username disabled.
LSD- Force Enable Ask Server for Src.
FIX- Block Irregular Clients uploads. edoneky with XS version 2.
FiX- Block spam msg, changed default block msg.
FIX- Menu Checks in sharedfolders.
MOD- New Icons (KoKaïne)
FIX- Block Fake Clients

- June 04th,2003 -
- EMULE 29a LSD-9a -
Upd - download Stops Prematurely and Rare Gaps Version 4- (jicxicmic/Maella)
Fix - Correct Display Force Source Check in Sharedfolders.
Fix - Galician Lang displayed as Greek in General Pref (corrected) LANG_GALICIAN
Fix - Some Sorts Again
Fix - Status Bar when Change Lang
LSD - Changed Some BarShader 3d Colors (experimental)
This Version Miss this features:
-Auto-Add Ip Filter (You block all but not banned)
-SuperCompression (At this moment no)
-Kahos Stats now is in Official 29a




- June 02th,2003 -
- EMULE 28b LSD-8f (Build1) -
-Fix Multiple Selection, when force.
-Add Force Enable Send/Req Source. (when Main Disable XS is On)
-Fix: Some Optimization In Statisticsdlg (eklmn)
-Fix: add the implementation of 'CBarShader::SetWidth' for 2Gb+ Files (bluecow)
-Fix: Random Crash When Dblclicking, on Client in Download List Queue (zegzav)
-Other Tweaks

- May 13th, 2003 -
- EMULE 28b LSD-8e -
-Moving To emule 28b
-Added Drop All NNS
-Fixed Some Translations
-Download Rarest Chunks/Khaos Stats not included in this version.

is compiled in 2003.
In 8e final i will include dl rarest chunks and any other small-fix found.


- April 29th,2003 -
- EMULE 28a LSD-8d -
-Fix Save Source causes crash.
-Removed auto clear completed.
-Fix Some Translations.
-Changed Buttons Icons.
-Fix Webservices creation menu on shared files and crash if non shared files.
-Added Khaos Stats (Partial)
[fix] Show Downloadinfo On Category Tabs (KuSh)
[fix] On Saving Preferences (KuSh)
[fix] For Memory Leaks/crashes Lately.
[fix] Multiple Hashing Of Same File At Reload. (NoamSon)

- April 25th,2003 -
- EMULE 28a LSD-8c -
-Fix Auto A4AF, check menu.
-Fix Up Slots Max (min) is (Min+1)
-Force Disable Ask Server for New Sources
-Force Disable Send Sources in Shared Files
-Added Badwolf: SuperCompression / Anti-Corruption
-Added LSD Mod Translations, Finnish.
-Added eMule Translations, Basque, Hebrew, Romanian (Translated by Plus!)
-Added Slugfiller: lowIdRetry
-Added Download Rarest Parts Version3 (jicxicmic/maella)
-Fixed BUFFER_TIME_LIMIT 1 min to 5min
-Other Tweaks

- April 23th,2003 -
- EMULE 28a LSD-8b -
(FIX) A4AF fix, automatic clear-completed files, before call A4AF.
(LSD) When recive new source, in username show from (server,XS,LS)
(LSD) Time Connected to a Source, displayed in Remain Column.
(LSD) Auto Load Source Slowly checkbox (default option is ON before this)
(FIX) Mod version string CPU reduced and Sort by String.
(LSD) Max Upload Slot [8-200]
(LSD) Force Download individual, 1st & Last Chunk, Rights Chunks, Disable Req Src.
(LSD) 3 Main Buttons (Drop All Unknown) (Drop All FULLQ) (Reload All Sources)
(LSD) Maella Defeat 0-fillers and Auto-Ban to ipfilter.
(LSD) Can Use Old Priorities System
(LSD) Auto Ban, Friendshare, fakeport, Incorrect version client.

- April 18th, 2003 -
- EMULE 28a LSD-8a -
(28a) 28a Fixes: Some Sorts, Localize on Lang Change, Some Catalan Translations.
(LSD) New: Max Upload Slot [10-200], Use Old Priorities System
(MOD) From Old Vers:
(MOD) AFAF (Tarod), L/S sources (Mr.FRY), Spread-Reask-Delay (Slugfiller),
(MOD) Download Rarest Parts Version2 (jicxicmic/maella), can change Soft/UDP Limits, can Drop Anything ...
(LSD) Compiled with VS 7.1 (2003)



Internet Zugang notwendig: DSL Flatrate und guter Provider: Arcor, T-Online, Congster




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