eMule der P2P Filesharing Client dient zum downloaden von Filmen, Movies, Software, Spielen, Games und Erotik. Zum herunterladen braucht eMule eine schnelle Internet Connection Verbindung bzw. Internet Zugang notwendig: DSL Flatrate und guter Provider: Arcor, T-Online, Congster


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Board: Fragen und Hinweise: eMule LSD.MoD-Forum...
eMule LSD.MoD Download Archiv...

eMule 0.46b LSD-22b (Pi)

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eMule LSD.MoD Charts

Best eMule LSD.MoD

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eMule 0.46b LSD-22b (Pi) bewerten...

eMule 44b LSD-18d (Delta3)
eMule 44b LSD-18d Delta3 Release

- October 22th, 2004 -
- eMule 44b LSD-18c (Delta3) -
18.1025 22/10/04
-Moving to Pawcio 5.15 (Added WebCache 1.2e, Obelix Active Connection, BC-NoTTL) (sivka HL not included)
-Fix Obelix Active Connection, in some cases asks for new XS when no need.
-Fix Lang Translations.
-Removed Kick from Queue.
-spanish man crash report at shutdown CFriendListCtrl.
-Fix Dll Compatible with Pawcio 5.15 (bin).
-Changed Default DL Chunks to ICS.
-Added Tooltip on Pawcio: CQV Buttons.
-Can switch between 2 Remove System, BC -Reserve Mode- / LSD -Fast Remove- (def)
-Fix Tooltips CQV Buttons.
-Fix Translations.
-PowerShare Files dl max 60minutes.
-Fix WC-Release (localize).
-Fix "Successful WC-DL/WC-Requests" stats.
-New webcaches.csv (webcache 1.2f).< BR>-Updating to webcache 1.2f.

eMule 44b LSD-18c (Gamma)
eMule 44b LSD-18c Gamma Release

- October 15th, 2004 -
- eMule 44b LSD-18c (Gamma) -
18.1022 15/10/04
-Added WebCache 1.2e.
-Write Individual Seatings for chunks on temp/.lsd
-Write Individual Seatings for Auto-Drop on temp/.lsd
-Added Localized strings for BC and webcache.
-Fix load .lsd setings.
-Fix this Languages català, castellano, deutsch, français.
-Added new project compilation K8-SSE2 for AMD K8, Sempron & AMD64 Family (G6+SSE2) (32bits .exe)

eMule 44b LSD-18c (Alpha4)
eMule 44b LSD-18c Alpha 4 Release

- eMule 44b LSD-18c (Alpha4) -
-Added Localized strings for BC and webcache.
-Fix load .lsd setings.
-Fix this Languages català, castellano, deutsch, français.

eMule 44b LSD-18c (Alpha3)
eMule 44b LSD-18c Alpha 3 Release

- eMule 44b LSD-18c (Alpha3) -
-Write Individual Seatings for Auto-Drop on temp/.lsd

eMule 44b LSD-18c (Alpha2)
eMule 44b LSD-18c Alpha 2 Release

- eMule 44b LSD-18c (Alpha2) -
-Added WebCache 1.2e.
-Write Individual Seatings for chunks on temp/.lsd

eMule 44b LSD-18c (Alpha1)
eMule 44b LSD-18c Alpha 1 Release

- October 8xth, 2004 -
- eMule 44b LSD-18c (Alpha1) -
18.1021 08/10/04
-Separate eMule String and Mod String.
-Added 3 Download Methods (ICS, jicxicmic V4, Maella V5).
-Changed default from ICS to Maella v5.
-Improved Download for Preview.
-New webcaches.csv (webcahce 1.2e).

eMule 44b LSD-18b (1.01)
eMule 44b LSD-18b 1.01 Release

- October 05th, 2004 -
- eMule 44b LSD-18b (1.01) -
18.1014 05/10/04
-Fix Localize "Mr Proper" menu.
-Fix Localize Main Buttons ToolTip.
-Fix Localize FriendList.
-Fix Localize MetaData Tags.
-Fix Localize Disable Lists.
-Fix Localize WebCache.
-Fix Some Translations.
-Activated Offcial Translation Basque.
-Improved German Translation (Foxbat).
-New eMuleLSD-Logo (tioduro).
-Fix About Font Size.
-Added Proxy Col on ClientList.
-Added UnBan in the friends list.
-Added Grayed Menu when need in Transfers List.
-Removed Kick/Start from Queue.
-Fix Upload Credit System based min time box.
-Moving to Pawcio 5.14 (Added WebCache 1.2d)
-New webcaches.csv (WebCache 1.2d)

BIN (socks v1) (G6) (Tested Athlon Thunderbird 1300)
BIN-G6-SSE (socks v2) (G6+SSE) (Tested on Athlon XP 2400+, 2800+) (P3??)
BIN-P4-SSE2 (socks v2) (G7+SSE2) (Tested on P4-3200 Northwood HT)



eMule 44b LSD-18b FINAL
eMule 44b LSD-18b Final Release
- Septembre 30th, 2004 -
- eMule 44b LSD-18b Final -
18.1013 09/30/04
-Added StringTable for varius Langs.
-ca_ES, de_DE, es_ES_T, fr_FR, gl_ES, it_IT, pl_PL, pt_BR, sl_SI.
eMule 44b LSD-18b Beta 3
eMule 44b LSD-18b Beta 3 Release
- Septembre 30th, 2004 -
- eMule 44b LSD-18b BETA 3 -
18.1012 09/30/04
-Upgrading to Pawcio 5.13.
-Small fixes.

eMule 44b LSD-18b Beta 2
eMule 44b LSD-18b Beta 2 Release
- Septembre 20th, 2004 -
- eMule 44b LSD-18b BETA 2 -
18.1011 09/20/04
-Upgrading to Paecio 5.09 (small fixes)
-Removing some unused code.
-Fix Uploads in credits mode.
-New System for Big Src Files.
*Allow ban/ipfilter NNS FullQ for prevent rejoining after single drop.
*Reduce Number of open socks for src not used.
*Can Ban Clients (up/dl) (when drop NNS / FullQ).
*Can put more ban time.
*Can clear ban list.
-Compiled Libs with cpu optimization G6/G6-SSE/AMD/P4
-Auto Down Priority changed 1000toLOW 500toNormal.
-Auto Up Priority changed 600toLow 300toNormal.
-Added SLS Src to Load/Save in LSD Tweaks.
-Added 4 Main Buttons Again.
-Added Max Half in LSD tweaks (SP2 Patch 50/10).
-Mini Fixies.
eMule 44b LSD-18b Beta 1
eMule 44b LSD-18b Beta 1 Release
- Septembre 15th, 2004 -
- eMule 44b LSD-18b BETA 1 -
-Moving to eMule 44b based on Pawcio 5.08 src.
-Removed Disable Uploads/Queue.
-Added Some Limits in LSD Options.
-Updated Libraries:
-Re-Added Open Incoming Dir menu.
-PowerShare works with all clients.
-Added New Project Compilations: Release_AMD_SSE, Release_AMD_SSE_SOCK_V2, Release_P4_SSE2, and Unicode Versions.
-Compiled with Vs2003 GDI+ Fix.



eMule 41b29 LSD-16b Diamond
16b Diamond Release
- February 16th, 2004 -
- eMule 41b29 LSD-16b Diamond -
16.120 02/16/04
Fix Upload datarate.
Fix Disable and enable send XS in sharefiles also save config.
Add Manual Update Meta Data Tags in Sharedfiles (also delete old tags, including from other mods like POWERSHARE)
Mod Changed Interval for update dl list 1->3 sec and upload 1->2 sec
Fix ReAskFullQueue & ReAskNNS
for prevent fast disconection uploads client put try to transfers full chunks on.
other mini tweaks


eMule 41b29 LSD-16b Platinum
16b PLATINUM Release
- February 11th, 2004 -
- eMule 41b29 LSD-16b Platinum -
16.118 02/11/04
Fix Statistic - Max Download Average
Fix Statistic - eMule version 40x+
Fix ZZ Upload System 20040106-1735
Fix Display Tarod 160->16
Better C/S control.
Slightly faster than previous version.

-eMule0.41b29-LSD16b-Skins-Dlls-Platinum include:
fakes v142
ipfilter v18
lang dlls
This skins:


eMule 41b29 LSD-16b Gold
16b GOLD Release
- February 2nd, 2004 -
- eMule 41b29 LSD-16b Gold -
16.111 02/02/04
-Added Fake Chakes.
-Fixed LIve Updates Fakecheck&Ipfilter
-Bin Include Fakes v141 ipfilter v18
-Msg icon in Sharedfiles.
-Other Minifixes.
-Can compile normal version or version with eWombat [WINSOCK2] updated.
-Better Display Mod Versions, including Tarod, Old Plus, etc..
-Can Compile This Build, Release, Release_AMD, Release_P4, Release_Sockets_V2, Release_Sockets_V2_AMD, Release_Sockets_V2_P4, Debug.
-Src include All needed src Libs.
-Fixed Drop FullQ.




Internet Zugang notwendig: DSL Flatrate und guter Provider: Arcor, T-Online, Congster




eMule .:. Server.Met .:. eMule Download .:. eMule-Anleitung .:. eMule-Archiv .:. allnews.de .:. eMoogle Amazon: Computerspiele
