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eMule 0.49c BastarD 1.9.9

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eMule 0.49c BastarD 1.9.9 bewerten...
ZZUL BastarD Mod with SUQWT and SFP

* 1.5.1 Still based on 0.46a code
* [ADD] Removed TTS and IRC window
* [ADD] Use extended tooltip when possible (win2000/xp)
* [FIX] Memory leak in v1.5.0 when saving SUQWT structure.
* [FIX] Patches by Xman1
* [ADD] Nice Hash II fully implemented (to be better Tested)
* [ADD] New columns:
* Download Client List
- mod version
* Download File List
- partial average data rate
- total download time data rate
* Upload Waiting List
- Queue Rating
* [ADD] A new evildoers list with substring matching devil.gif
[ADD]New substring matching for evildoers identification
* [ADD] New Fine Credit System together with Official Credit (restored from ZZUL modified version)


  • Based on v0.46a ZZUL code




  • FIX: Number of sent tags in the hellopacket
  • FIX: SUQWT now correctly resets times
  • ADD: simple SUQWT verbose mode
  • ADD: share ratio column in Shared Files list
  • TODO: NiceHash feature


  • UPD: Based on ZZUL 0.45b
  • Rewritten code colouring powershared and pushed small files
Updated v1.4.0

It should work like the old version but with the improved 45b code (expecially KAD should work much better).
New features under analysis:
  • NiceHash in primis to decrease hashing algorithm CPU cycles and I/O stress) . Done ready for revision 1
Known issues so far:
  • The SlpashScreen string is too long


New revision with some improvements and bug fix:

  • FIX: Crash when unsharing a file which was uploaded (only crash reported, thanks jetski)
  • FIX: Mod String should now be sent correctly. There's should no be MOD ID = 1 appearing in mods showing Mod Version (reports on this is welcome, thanks).
  • FIX: tooltip string was to long to show the download value.
  • Highlight colors changed a bit to improve readibility
Updated v1.3.1


Old releases (which may not be available)

As suggested, updating first page:

Updated v1.3.0


  • Statistics graphs bugs removed (thanks to apph)
  • Small File Pushing (SFP). It's optional. See extended settings checkbox.
  • Client IP number shown in upload list (hope this is not a problem)
  • File size shown in UploadList and QueueList (well, I liked to see them there)
  • File highligthning to easily recognize Powershared or Small File Pushed in SharedList.
As always all modified/added code tagged with

<CB Mod : xxx [: yyy]>
</CB Mod : xxx [: yyy]>

where [: yyy] is optional.

Hope you enjoy this release.


My notebook is just making the final compilation of the new executable with SUQWT feature available.

It is based on ZZUL mod v44b, latest provided by ZZ.

It was a tricky task as Moonlight's SUQWT code on this board is the old V1, and on his site there's V2, but it is not in a "diff" format, so merging the code was quite difficult (expecially the SaveList method in CClientCredits, which is not well explained).

I then looked at MorphXT implementation so there are also some fixes for SUQWT from there as well.

Preparing the packs to upload.
SUQWT implemented version is V2. Even though there's not his name, all SUQWT code is by Moonlight. I just wonder why I ever not put it there, stupid me. I'll surely insert it next revision.

ZZUL Bastard Mod with SUQWT

Updated v1.2.1


  • Added Moonlight credits in SUQWT tagged code
  • Small unicode bugfix with the name of the .bak file (Thanks FASTT).




Internet Zugang notwendig: DSL Flatrate und guter Provider: Arcor, T-Online, Congster




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