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eMule 0.47c ZZUL BastarD Mod
- [ADD]PowerRelease: works only for complete files and gives a 100x boost
to a file. Files in this status are colored in pink.
- [ADD]FastWeb public IP address ranges added for check agaist illegal
- [ADD]Advantages provided to regular clients (including, but not limited
to poweshare, small file push and SUQWT) are removed for illegal clients
- [ADD]Postit-like area for adding notes to friends. Will be automatically
saved and reloaded at each start-up.
- [ADD]Few shortcuts in Shared Files window for modifing file priorities (works
on a multiselection as well)
- [CTRL]+[+] increases priority (till the max = 10)
- [CTRL]+[-] decrease priority (till the minimum = 1)
- [CTRL]+[X] enable autopriority
- [CTRL]+[S] enable PowerShare
- [CTRL]+[R] enable PowerRelease (applied only of the file is
- [ADD]Minimum QR value shown next to number of available sources
- [ADD]NiceMove from Ionix
- [ADD]Reason for score reduction, in order of importance:
- [G] 0.0x - client is GPL breaker
- [V] 0.5x - client version (older than v0.25)
- [I] 0.1x - client is recognized as illegal
- [F] 0.1x - client belongs to Fastweb and has a U:D ratio < 1
- [S] 0.8x - client has unsecure identification
- [R] var - client is beyond FineCS friendly U-D threshold
- [ADD]New columns:
- in Client Upload List : upload contitions [file priority/rating/U-D diff]
- in Known Client List : [rating/U-D diff]
- in Waiting Queue List : U-D diff info added in rating column
- in Shared Files List : For each file amount of completed data or "Complete"
- [CNG]New list of filtered fake and unsecure servers
- [FIX]Chat log files are now created even though the remote user has
unprintable chars in his/her nickname
- Probably some other minor things I have not traced
ZZUL BastarD Mod
- [FIX] Autopriority. Should work fine for files with >55 requests now
- [FIX] Files list sent to server. Now ordered depending on actual file
- [FIX] Sorting by file priority in Shared Files list
- [FIX] Internal event timer: average calculations should be working fine
- [FIX] On completition, file final average speed is updated
- [CNG] Added new formats to the do-not-compress type list:
- [ADD] Option in File panel to disable popup requester when a link is
found in the Clipboard. Helps adding easily files directly from the browser.
- [ADD] Chunks sepatators in Upload List progress bar
ZZUL BastarD Mod
- [ADD] Moonlight's SUQWT v2 implementation
- [ADD] Push Small Files for files smaller than 1 chunk (~9.28MB)
with independent enable/disable flag for each small file
- [ADD] NiceHash-II to decrease CPU load while hashing complete
- [ADD] New Fine Credit System which is used to manage heavy
leechers only for part files
Two Credit Systems available:
1 - Official
2 - Fine
- [ADD] New priorities range. From 1 to 10 with linear weight.
- [ADD] New list of one way banned Evildoers
- [ADD] Extended tooltip for OS that support it (Win2000, XP,
- [ADD] Enlarged search history length. Now max 60 entries are
- [ADD] Friendly slot can be granted on any drop down menu. No
need to add a client to the friend list and then grant the friendly
slot there.
Clients with slot friends are automatically added to friend
list for easy tracking.
- [ADD] Smart Unshare. Warning message when removing from share a
file which has few sources
- [ADD] Adopted Morph filenames for credits.met version:
- Official v30 credit format: credits.met
- SUQWT v2 format: credits.met.SUQWTv2.met
- SUQWT v2 backup format: credits.met.SUQWTv2.met.bak
- [ADD] Code optimization for interface speedup from Xman, SiroB
and Maella
- Don't draw hidden Rect (SiroB)
- Code Improvement: FillSolidRect (Xman)
- [ADD] PowerShare priority is a separate flag
- [ADD] Autopriority can now work with PS files as well
- [ADD] Import Chunk from another file. (SR13)
- [ADD] Small File Push can be enabled/disabled for each small
- [ADD] Files in SharedFileList can be listed by ED2K type
- [ADD] Chunks that are available by the remote downloading client
are coloured in blue. Applies in:
- UploadList window
- QueueList window
- [ADD] Download buffer max size has been extended to 8MB.
Flushing time has been set to 3 mins.
- [ADD] Chat sessions are logged as a "per user" file (inipendently
by who started the session)
- [ADD] Spam messages aren't logged or signaled in any way
- [ADD] Compression Ratio and Compression Gain in file detail
window (requested by bUR)
- [ADD] Chunk Import process can be stopped
Other interface changes:
New columns in Waiting Queue List:
- Actual Queue Rating
- IP Number of clients
- File size
New columns in Shared Files List:
- Share Ratio (ratio between the downloaded and uploaded amount)
- number of cients interested in downloading the file (request by
- Category to which the file belongs to (request by mmorselli)
New columns in Uploading Clients List:
- IP Number of clients
- File size
New columns in Downloading Clients list
- Mod string
New columns in Downloading File List
- SpeedBars v1. Average download speeds for time day/lasthour/total
downloading time
- [ADD] Powershared files and Pushed Small File are highlighted
with respectively yellow and cyan colors in the Shared File List and
in Upload Client List
- [ADD] Files in Shared File List are shown in shades of
red-black-green depending on the number of seen complete sources
- [ADD] Shared Info List in file detail panel. In this list all
upload sessions for the selected files are shown.
Shown info:
- name of the user who got an upload slot
- software version
- mod string
- rating of the client at the upload session acceptance moment
- amount of uploaded data for the session
- duration of the upload
- the average upload speed
List entry is added at the end of the uploading session.
- [ADD] ChunkDots disappear if they become too frequent to improve
- [REM] Removed all code relative to IRC
- [REM] Removed all code relative to notification (included send
- [REM] Removed Text To Speech (TTS)
- [REM] AntiLeech code
- [FIX] Chat log. Name of the remote user should be inserted
correctly in the log file
- [FIX] Chat log. First session message is now logged
- [FIX] Partial averages calculations
- [FIX] Auto renaming of a collection file after modify
- [FIX] Download time is now not counted for Paused/Stopped files
- [FIX] Various small fixes by Xman1, tHeWiZaRdOfDoS and Avi-3k (who
all I thank for their support)
- [CNG] Remaining time calculation in simple mode
- [CNG] FineCS slighly modified with respect to the original
- Not secure clients (bad SUI) have a 0.80 multiplier (instead of
- Before a complete chunk is received, and only up to that moment,
punishment threashold is 3 chunks instead of 4.
Should be a small protection against clients that do not upload
anything at all.
- [CNG] Partial averages for day and hour
- [CNG] New way to mark chunks in the progress bar
- [CNG] Percentual value in the progress bar is now bold to
increase readability
ZZUL BastarD
Armadillo Mod 0.9.1
Version 0.9.1
- [CNG] Anti-Leech code:
- Source Exploiter now should be better identified
- ModThief check added
- Score calulation timings (less CPU waste)
- [CNG] Anti-Leech events logging
- [ADD] Compression Ratio and Compression Gain in file detail window (requested
by bUR)
- [ADD] Chunk Import process can be stopped
- [ADD] New column in ShareFileList with interested clients for this
session (requested by Random User)
- [FIX] Mod Version column sort
- [FIX] Download time is now not counted for Paused/Stopped files
ZZUL BastarD
Armadillo Mod 0.9.0
Version 0.9.0
- [ADD] Based on ZZUL Bastard 1.7.2 code which is based on 46c ZZUL
- [ADD] Moonlight's SUQWT v2 implementation
- [ADD] Push Small Files for files smaller than 1 chunk (~9.28MB)
- [ADD] NiceHash v2 to decrease CPU load while hashing complete files
- [ADD] New Fine Credit System which is used to manage heavy leechers
only for part files
Two Credit Systems available:
1 - Official
2 - Fine
- [ADD] New substring matching for Evildoers identification
- [ADD] New list of one way banned Eviloers
- [ADD] Extended tooltip for OS that support it (Win2000, XP, Win2003)
- [ADD] Enlarged search history length. Now max 60 entries are stored.
- [ADD] Friendly slot can be granted on any drop down menu. No need to
add a client to the friend list and then grant the friendly slot there.
- [ADD] Category column in Shared File List (requested by mmorselli)
- [ADD] Warning message when removing from share a file which has few
- [ADD] Adopted Morph filenames for credits.met version:
- Official v30 credit format: credits.met
- SUQWT v2 format: credits.met.SUQWTv2.met
- SUQWT v2 backup format: credits.met.SUQWTv2.met.bak
- [ADD] Code optimization for interface speedup from Xman, SiroB and
- Don't draw hidden Rect (SiroB)
- Code Improvement: FillSolidRect (Xman)
- [ADD] Upload buffer size is now dependant to the upload datarate (Wizard)
- Accesses to the HD should be less frequent
- [ADD] New priorities range. From 1 to 10 with linear weight.
- [ADD] PowerShare priority is a separate flag
- [ADD] Autopriority can now work with PS files as well
- [ADD] Import Chunk from another file. (SR13)
- [ADD] Related search for shared files
- [ADD] Small File Push flag enable/disable for each small file
- [ADD] Files in SharedFileList can be listed by ED2K type (Avi-3k)
- [ADD] Chunks that are available by the remote downloading client are
coloured. Applies in:
- UploadList window
- QueueList window
- [ADD] AntiLeech code (slightly modified version of Wizard's
- [ADD] Optional logging of punishment reasons as given by AntiLeech
New columns in Waiting Queue List:
- Actual Queue Rating
- IP Number of clients
- File size
New columns in Shared Files List:
- Share Ratio (ratio between the downloaded and uploaded amount)
New columns in Uploading Clients List:
- IP Number of clients
- File size
New columns in Downloading Clients list
- Mod string
New columns in Downloading File List
- SpeedBars v1. Average download speeds for time interval/lasthour/total
downloading time
Other interface changes:
- [ADD] Powershared files and Pushed Small File are highlighted with
different colors in the Shared File List and in Upload Client List
- [ADD] Files in Shared File List are shown in shades of
Red-Black-Green depending on the number of seen complete sources
- [ADD] Shared Info List in file detail panel. In this list all upload
sessions for the selected files are shown.
Shown info:
- name of the user
- software version
- mod string
- rating of the client at the upload session acceptance moment
- amount of uploaded data for the session
- duration of the upload
- the average upload speed
- [ADD] Related search in transfer window
- [ADD] Chat sessions are logged as a "per user" file
- [ADD] ChunkDots disappear if they become too frequent.
- [REM] Removed all code relative to IRC
- [REM] Removed all code relative to notification (included send mail)
- [REM] Removed Text To Speech
- [FIX] Name of related search tab
- [FIX] Spam messages aren't logged
- [FIX] Various small fixes by Xman1, tHeWiZaRdOfDoS and Avi-3k (who
all I thank for their support)
- [CNG] The way the remaining time is calculated in simple mode
- [CNG] FineCS slightly modified:
- not SUI clients have a 0.8 multiplier (instead of the previous 0.75)
- Before the first chunk is received, and only until that moment, the
threshold before punishment is activated is 3 chunks.
Small further protection against 0-uploading clients