eMule der P2P Filesharing Client dient zum downloaden von Filmen, Movies, Software, Spielen, Games und Erotik. Zum herunterladen braucht eMule eine schnelle Internet Connection Verbindung bzw. Internet Zugang notwendig: DSL Flatrate und guter Provider: Arcor, T-Online, Congster


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eMule 0.50a ScarAngel v4.2

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eMule v0.47c ScarAngel v1.9

- 25.03.2007 -
based on eMule 0.47c Xtreme 5.4.2 compiled with vs2003 SP1

Added: More icons in context menus [various] - Stulle
Added: Improved ICS-Firewall support [MoNKi] - Max
Added: Invisible Mode [TPT/MoNKi/SiRoB] - Stulle
Added: UPnP support [MoNKi/leuk_he] - leuk_he
Added: Random Ports [MoNKi] - Stulle
Added: Select window background color [MaxUpload] - Max
Added: Simple cleanup [MorphXT] - Stulle
remark: This is not in the Xtremes implementation, stick to older versions
Added: Support page in preferences [Stulle] - Stulle
Added: Default value for background colors [Stulle] - Stulle
Added: Design settings save version number (now v2) [Stulle] - Stulle

Changed: Superior clients inserted at first position in UL [Stulle] - Stulle
Changed: Various things around XP-Style menus [Stulle] - Stulle
Changed: Reworked "give waiting time back"-code for SUQWT [Stulle] - Stulle
Changed: Rewrote Design settings (one enum per master item) [Stulle] - Stulle
Changed: List backgrounds unrelated to items in list (instant change) [Stulle] - Stulle

Updated: Webcache [MorphXT] - Stulle

Fixed: Columns with wrong background in DlClients and QueueList [Stulle] - Stulle
Fixed: Webcache information drawn in wrong column [Stulle] - Stulle
Fixed: Sometimes client's credits are not updated though they should [Stulle] - Stulle
Fixed: ScarAngel horizontally truncated in Splash [Stulle] - Stulle

Removed: Unnecessary log line on Design settings changed [Stulle] - Stulle
Removed: UPnP support [Xtreme] - Stulle
Removed: Unused code of TBH: MiniMule implementation [Stulle] - Stulle


eMule v0.47c ScarAngel v1.8

- 04.01.2007 -
based on eMule 0.47c Xtreme 5.4 compiled with vs2003 SP1

Added: XP-Style menus [Xanatos/ eMule-web.de staff] - Stulle
Added: Design Settings [eWombat/Stulle] - Stulle
Added: Static IP Filter [Stulle] - Stulle
remark: save "ipfilter_static.dat" in config dir
Added: Limit PS by amount of data uploaded [Stulle] - Stulle
Added: Enhanced Client Recognition [Spike]
Added: Compat Client Stats [Stulle] - Stulle
Added: Enforce Ratio [Stulle] - Stulle

Changed: Tabs in ScarAngel preferences dialog can be translated [Stulle] - Stulle

Fixed: Reset Spread Bars command [Stulle] - Stulle
Fixed: second categories column in DownloadList removed [Stulle] - Stulle

Removed: always one release slot [Xman] - Stulle
+ use PowerShare instead

Design Settings:
+ Only enabled styles will be applied
+ Styles sorted by importance in triggering (default excluded)
+ Combining two styles is impossible

Enforce Ratio:
+ Download will be limited when 80% of the max ratio is reached
+ Example: Ratio = 1:1 --> Limit when 1:0.8 to download = upload*1
+ Display details on ratio activation


eMule v0.47c ScarAngel v1.7

- 30.10.2006 -
based on eMule 0.47c Xtreme 5.3.1 compiled with vs2003 SP1

Added: Release Bonus (12h or up to 16 days) (not for partfiles) [sivka]
Added: Release Score assurance [Stulle]

Fixed: Crash on renaming/ deleting shared file [Stulle] - Stulle

Release Score assurance:
+ clients requesting complete files with release priority will not get
a score lower than the default unless they are Reduce Score clients


eMule v0.47c ScarAngel v1.6

- 27.10.2006 -
based on eMule 0.47c Xtreme 5.3.1 compiled with vs2003 SP1

Added: Spread bars [Slugfiller/MorphXT] - Stulle
Added: HideOS & SOTN [Slugfiller/MorphXT] - Stulle
+ for complete files only!
Added: Anti Anti HideOS & SOTN [SiRoB] - Stulle
Added: See chunk that we hide [SiRoB] - Stulle
Added: Rare file ratio column in SharedList [Stulle] - Stulle
Added: Superior Client Handling [Stulle] - Stulle
Added: PowerShare [ZZ/MorphXT] - Stulle
Added: Draw PS file requesting clients red [Stulle] - Stulle

Changed: Show Client Percentage optional [Stulle] - Stulle

Fixed: WebCache working with obfuscation [MorphXT] - Stulle

Removed: Spread bars (old version) [SlugFiller] - Stulle
Removed: Dynamic Hide OS [SlugFiller/Xman] - Stulle

+ PowerShare only works on complete files


eMule v0.47c ScarAngel v1.5

- 28.09.2006 -
based on eMule 0.47c Xtreme 5.3 compiled with vs2003 SP1

Changed: Replaced CPU usage reader code [ejor] - Stulle
Changed: System Info settings resetted to default [Stulle] - Stulle
Changed: System Info updated every second instead of 2.5 seconds [Stulle] - Stulle


eMule v0.47a ScarAngel v1.4

- 09.09.2006 -
based on eMule 0.47a Xtreme 5.2.2 compiled with vs2003 and Netfinity's fix

Fixed: Null-pointer crash in SCC (removed check due to some reason... wtf!) [Stulle] - Stulle


eMule v0.47a ScarAngel v1.3

- 09.09.2006 -
based on eMule 0.47a Xtreme 5.2.2 compiled with vs2003 and Netfinity's fix

Added: Adjust compress level [Stulle] - Stulle
+ You may reduce the compression default value or switch off with this
Added: Smart Category Control (SCC) [khaos/SiRoB/Stulle] - Stulle

Fixed: Rare ratio column [Stulle] - Stulle
Fixed: SysInfo Memleak [WiZaRd] - Stulle
Fixed: SysInfo wasn't destroyed (pointed out by JvA) [Stulle] - Stulle
Fixed: Changelog dates! =D - Stulle


eMule v0.47a ScarAngel v1.2

- 19.07.2005 -
based on eMule 0.47a Xtreme 5.2.1 compiled with vs2003 and Netfinity's fix

Added: Show Client Percentage [Commander/MorphXT] - Mondgott
Added: Tabbed Preferences [TPT] - Stulle
Added: TBH: Backup [TBH/EastShare/MorphXT] - Stulle
Added: TBH: MiniMule [TBH/Stulle] - Max
Added: Copy feedback feature [MorphXT] - Stulle
Added: Source Counts Are Cached derivated from Khaos [SiRoB] - Stulle
Added: MassRename [Dragon] - Stulle
Added: Startupsound [Commander] - Mav744

Changed: Enable/ Disable Sysinfo (complete and global) [Stulle/iONiX] - Stulle
Changed: added flag to return US Text for CastToXBytes [SiRoB] - Stulle

Updated: Webcache [SiRoB] - Stulle

Fixed: Xman Credit System [Stulle] - Stulle
Fixed: About dialog [Stulle] - Stulle

Removed: Copy UL-Feedback feature [IcEcRacKer] - Stulle


eMule v0.47a ScarAngel v1.1

- 21.04.2005 -
based on eMule 0.47a Xtreme 5.1 compiled with vs2003 and Netfinity's fix

Note: We need new alpha/ beta tester. If you are interested please contact me
Requirements: speaking English/ German; good eMule knowledge; time!

Added: Quickstart [TPT] - Max

Updated: WebCache [SiRoB] - Stulle

Changed: Trayicon (red/yellow/green square indicating connection) [Stulle] - Stulle
Changed: last reask and next reask updated to match latest xtreme code [Max] - Max
Changed: #emule-deutschland default irc help channel [Max] - Max

Fixed: (minor) Forgot to count Xtreme's manual drops for the dropped src column [Stulle] - Stulle
Fixed: (minor) Forgot to add UpdateDisplayedInfo(true) after new manual drops [Stulle] - Stulle


eMule v0.47a ScarAngel v1.0

- 02.04.2005 -
based on eMule 0.47a Xtreme 5.0.1 compiled with vs2003 and Netfinity's fix
Added: Status color [EastShare] - Max
Added: Last asked time & next asked time in prio column [EastShare/Xman/Max] - Max
Added: WebCache [WC team/MorphXT] - Stulle/Max
Added: Active Connection Control [Obelix/Max]
Added: display CPU/MEM usage in transferwnd [$ick$/Stulle] - Max
Added: Relax on Startup [WiZaRd] - Max
Added: ScarAngel Preferences Window [Stulle] - Stulle
Added: Global Hardlimit [Stulle/many ideas by Max] - Stulle
Added: Push-small-files (boost can be configured manually) [Sivka/Stulle] - Stulle
Added: Push-rare-files [Tarod/ eF-Mod] - Stulle
Added: Different CreditSystems [EastShare/ MoprhXT/ Stulle] - Stulle
+ lovelace, Pawcio, Ratio, EastShare, Sivka, S.W.A.T., Xman, official
+ The CreditSystem is always enabled
Added: Save Upload Queue Waiting Time (SUQWT) [Moonlight/ EastShare/ MorphXT] - Stulle
Added: Show source on title [Stulle] - Stulle
Added: Show emule´s infos in your MSN7 (or above) message field v2 [MOnKi/ikabot/Stulle] - Stulle
Added: Show global HL [Stulle] - Stulle
Added: Draw friends blue [Stulle] - Stulle
Added: Show HL per file constantaniously [Stulle] - Stulle
Added: Show global HL [Stulle] - Stulle
Added: Sivka File Settings [Sivka/Stulle] - Stulle
Added: Customized source dropping [Sivka/Stulle] - Stulle
Added: show # of dropped sources per file in DownloadList [Stulle] - Stulle
Added: Several Mod Icons [Stulle] - Stulle
+ note: supports ScarAngel, StulleMule, MAXmod, Xtreme, Morph,
EastShare, iONiX, Cyrex2001, NextEMF, Neo Mule
Added: Preferences Banner [TPT/ MorphXT/emule-web.de team] - Stulle
Added: Advanced manual dropping [Stulle] - Stulle
Added: Fake HighID check [netfinity] - Stulle
Added: FunnyNick [SiRoB/Stulle] - Stulle
Added: Client queue progress bar [Commander] - Stulle
Added: ScarAngel Version Check [Official/MorphXT/Stulle] - Stulle

Changed: ModID [Maella] management replaced with ModID [itsonlyme/SiRoB] - Stulle
Changed: Startup Banner, Program Icon [emule-web.de team] - Stulle

Sivka File Settings:
+ You can customize time between src drops, enable/ disable src dropping and min src for dropping
+ You can enable/ disable Global HL for a file
+ Custom hardlimit moved to Sivka File Settings dialog

customized source dropping:
+ uses settings from Sivka File Settings
+ uses seperate timer for Low2LowIP, NNS, FQ, HQR
+ if not optional most dropping code is still Xtreme (not time...)

advanced manual dropping:
+ Low2LowIP
+ unknown, error and banned
+ high queue rating sources (Xman method)
+ high queue rating sources (Sivka method)
+ CleanUp => NNS, FQS, unknown, error and banned

CPU/ Memory usage display in TransferWnd:
+ Display order: "CPU : CPU usage of eMule (CPU usage of the whole system)"
"Mem : Memory usage of eMule (currently used physical Mem/ RAM of System)"



Internet Zugang notwendig: DSL Flatrate und guter Provider: Arcor, T-Online, Congster




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