eMule der P2P Filesharing Client dient zum downloaden von Filmen, Movies, Software, Spielen, Games und Erotik. Zum herunterladen braucht eMule eine schnelle Internet Connection Verbindung bzw. Internet Zugang notwendig: DSL Flatrate und guter Provider: Arcor, T-Online, Congster


Filesharing eMule MoDs Overview  

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eMule MoD Features

What is Changelog.eMule-MoDs.txt

What is the Changelog.eMule-Mods.txt ?
This file documents the changes which have been done to the original released version.
Primarily the files get scanned to identify viruses, trojans and other malware. Normally links have been added, which are useful for handling eMule. On the one hand they were added as an URL file and on the other hand registered in the – for this function designated – file webservices.dat.
If necessary the archive will be transferred/changed in an uniform RAR format and gets a systematic name which entitles the eMule basic version, the Mod name and Mod version exactly. Through to that all Mods have the same preconditions in the matter of the utilizability of the relative eMule version.
Through this nothing will be changed on the original eMule Mod version (emule.exe and all other original “.ini” and eMule system files are not affected) !


What kind of links are that?

  • A link to this site.
  • A link to the current IP filter file.
  • A link to fake free server lists.
  • A link to the support board.


For what?
There are serveral sources for eMule Mods - reliable and unreliable one’s. Through to the fact that eMule is Open Source anybody can add damaging functions into the programs (emule.exe). A well known example is eMcrypt, which allows the actual toll free use of eMule only on payment. Many users don’t know the difference or are careless and we do not want a false impression of eMule and therefore try to create a trustworthy source for eMule Mods. As eMule users and fans this is our concern since 2002 already. In addition we would like to bring forward the legal Mods which intent only functions permitted by the official eMule developers and therefore you will never find Leecher or Bad Mods in our community.


Do I as an eMule Modder need to accept this?
No, to promote you or make you known this is not a requirement. But our aims and measures should basically be in the interests of the reliable Modders.


How can I as eMule Modder affect that?
Just contact us ! Preferred via eMail or PN. The conceivabilities of the Modder have been and will always be respected by us and we will always find a satisfying way for the Modder and the eMule users.



Internet Zugang notwendig: DSL Flatrate und guter Provider: Arcor, T-Online, Congster




eMule .:. Server.Met .:. eMule Download .:. eMule-Anleitung .:. eMule-Archiv .:. allnews.de .:. eMoogle Amazon: Computerspiele
