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Azureus ========================================== Filename encodings can be chosen and saved
Chinese and Polish support should be working now, please test
Azureus should be closed within a few seconds
GUI is updated during downloading a new upgrade
Azureus window is restored if azureus.exe or just org.gudy.azureus2.ui.swt.Main is rerun
(ie. lost System Tray Icon can be restored by starting Azureus again (without stopping))
Configuration dialog is scrollable
Added Internet links to About window
Close Window minimizes to System Tray can be disabled
Minimize Window to System Tray added
Added splash screen (can be disabled)
Azureus ========================================== Fixed several bugs
Duplicate torrents (already in the list) cannot be added
The download and upload speed is always updated if main window is visible
The size of the columns in My Torrents are saved now
Added minimize and maximize buttons to the main window
Added download bar snapping
Config path is $HOME/.azureus under linux
Automatic opening of the Update window can be disabled
Update window can be opened by clicking on the red version info
Added Help menu and About window
Less cpu and memory usage
Internationalisation: Finnish
Azureus ========================================== Fixed several bugs
Closed file handles
Less cpu and memory usage
The size and position of the main window is saved now
Added a progress bar and a manual download link to the Upgrade window
Internationalisation: you can choose between English, German, Spanish, French, Dutch, Portuguese and Swedish now
Internationalisation: limited support for Polish and Chinese