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ABC [Bittorrent] 3.1

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ABC [Yet Another Bittorrent Client] downloaden ABC-win32-v3.1.exe

ABC [Bittorrent] 2.2
Limited maximum upload rate, now user can't set maximum upload rate less than 3kB/s
"Add Torrent From File" now can add multiple files at once so if you have directory that contains many torrent files. this option should help you
ABC_TWEAK, small utitlity to change order and display column in ABC main menu. 100 people have 100 thoughts, so customize ABC display yourself to what you want to see :-)

ABC [Bittorrent] 2.1.1
Fixed max_uploads doesn't change when set it (Thank JAF from animesuki forums)

ABC [Bittorrent] 2.1
Using the Shad0w's Bittorrent Experimental Core system
Supporting super-seed mode
Upload rate controlling is better than Bittorrent Experimental Core
Add option "manual announce", "external announce", "finish allocation" in detail menu, by using all shad0w's bittorrent core
Fixed bug editable in combobox to uneditable