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ABC [Bittorrent] 3.1

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ABC [Yet Another Bittorrent Client] downloaden ABC-win32-v3.1.exe

ABC [Bittorrent] 2.4.1
Fixed, miss spell "Open destination"
Fixed, Browse button in choosing default folder isn't pop-up

ABC [Bittorrent] 2.4
Added, "Torrent File to non-default location" button. If you use this button it will ask you where do you want to place your download file.
Added, Displaying real number of seed, number of peer, updating every 20 mins
Added, "Get #seed/#peer" button in detail windows to update real number of seed, numper of peer, immediately. (it'll do nothing if you click it more than 1 time in 1 minute)
Added, Checking duplicate torrent name feature
Added, "Change Download Destionation ..." on right-click menu. To change your torrent download destination. (Work only with inactive torrent)
Added, "Open Destination .." on right-click menu. For opening downloaded file.
Added, Some error displays, that forgot to display.
Added, New feature, If call abc.exe in second time, it will raise the previous one up instead of silence
Changed, When there is some errors of active torrent (ex: disk full, bad .torrent file) Instead of remove torrent from list, ABC will only set that active torrent to pause state.
Changed, "Clear all completed torrents", "Move up", "Move down" from right-click menu to buttons. For making them easier to use.
Changed, Seeding torrent can't change upload option. Have to pause it first and then change upload option and resume for seeding
Changed, Menu to more well organize (Thank ssjkakaroto)
Changed, Icon >_< new icon create by Kie (Thank you :-))
Fixed, Recording new torrent in torrent.lst right after it's added.

ABC [Bittorrent] 2.3
Changed, ABC-Tweak to modify ABC interface on-the-fly.
Changed, Torrent will allocate its space only when it's active.
Changed, Remember Download size, Upload Size even if you pause torrent to make you get upload ratio as you want to share.
Changed, only 1 torrent can perform allocation,checking torrent file a time (for faster speed)
Moved, misc setting in menu ABC preference to Misc setting menu
Added, Advanced menu of the Shad0w's bittorrent in ABC preference (Advanced Setting)
This advanced menu enable you to set up :
Local IP, IP to bind to, Minimum number peers
Allocation type, Allocation Rate
Max files open, Max peer connections
Added, Make torrent Menu
Added, Double click option on torrent in list to see torrent details.
Added, Move up, Move down, Clear all completed torrents on right-click menu.
Added, Drag&Drop multiple torrent files directly to ABC client.
Added, Display lastest ABC client version menu