eMule der P2P Filesharing Client dient zum downloaden von Filmen, Movies, Software, Spielen, Games und Erotik. Zum herunterladen braucht eMule eine schnelle Internet Connection Verbindung bzw. Internet Zugang notwendig: DSL Flatrate und guter Provider: Arcor, T-Online, Congster


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eMule 0.50a Xtreme 8.1

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eMule 0.50a Xtreme 8.1 bewerten...

Download: eMule 0.30c Xtreme 2.2 [21.01.2005]

based on 0.30c + Maella 4.1.08

Xtreme 2.2
- new Feature: clients, you try to upload, but connection fail, get a second change. They are put back on uploadqueue, marked with ~~~ and get an uploadslot at their next connection (same handling like LowID)
- new Feature: don't upload on startup without serverconnection. don't accept new upload on lost of internetconnection
- new Feature: advanced Xtreme-Downloadmanager: find best sources
this feature includes 3 features:
- an intelligent dropping wich also drops HQ sources, depending on QR, remote-credits, and avg QR
- dropped clients may not reentering the downloadqueue for 50 minutes
- intelligent swapping, which looks on filepriority and sourcecount to balance the sources between the files, download with highest priority is always prefered
further more, you can now drop and swap manually how much you want, you don't get banned, and you don't get back the dropped sources

- changed: Non SI-Clients get only 80% score
- changed: removed remaining time from transferewindow, now you can see the QR-average
- changed: some timeout settings
- changed: "aksfordownload" - priorities
- changed: method for passive source finding (listensocket, CheckAndAddKnownSource), should take now 2/3 less CPU
- changed: source reask time increased (due to 0.44)
- changed: new method to detect the right NAFC-adapter, works only after receiving a HighID from server, otherwise old method is used

- bugfix: an official protocol bug which can cause failed uploadsessions (also a patch on downloading-side for better compatibility with ed2k-protocol
- bugfix: an official bug wich can cause LowID clients to get a second uploadsession after it finished the first one, althought it hasn't enough score


Xtreme 2.1
- Bugfix: removed a code-part which could cause a crash
- small Fix: a file with only one source, could be painted in red
- small Fix: statistic shows now a download-session-end called "sto" which means "socket time out"

Xtreme 2.0 final
- Bugfix: Crash(freeze) if wrong Client(Leecher) was removed
- New Connection Conrol:
+ 1 minute pause between 2 connection attemps (client state unknown during this time)
+ slow down Connection per 5 secondes, if emule is at the connection limit
+ individual Priority for each client, when you have too many connections. for example, a client with low QR has higher priority, also a client where last asked time is long ago

- chunk selection Patch: better chunk selection for rare files
- removed jiggle
- IP-Filter-Bugfix: now clients are realy filtered
- IP-Filter-temporary-remove-process: temporary Filtered IPs are removed after 12 hours
- Filter 0 Uploaders: after a client caused 3 following failed downloadsessions, it's IP get's filtered. No more upload/download/connection
- mergeKnown (Slugfiller)


Xtreme 2.0 beta 4
- Bugfix: fix the crashing/freezing problem (thx to Pichuei for finding it)
- UnZip Fix (Pawcio)
- some other possible crashfixes
- improved upload-handling:
- only clients get an uploadslot, which were seen the last 30 minutes.
- increased the MAX_PURGEQUEUETIME from 60 to 80 minutes

Xtreme 2.0 beta 3
new features:
- On the fly optimizer (ewombat)
modified version (the original md4cpy works faster)
- amount based 1:3 ratio (like zz-ratio) if upload < 10 kbs
- Bugfix: problem with files >2 GB (ikabot)
- Bugfix: Reset works now for Leechermessages
- Bugfix: send only valid sources
- Fix a memory leak (rayita)
- reincluded the crashrpt + better error handling
- added friendhandling to knownclients
- some codeimprovements by Maella
- fixed some other small bugs

Xtreme 2.0 beta 2
- upgrade Maella Code to 0.30c
- some small GUI fixes
- improvement: See on Uploadqueue should now work properly
- [BugFix] Complete Source [morph/SiRoB]
- MoNKi: -FIX: ini.GetFloat needs Language-



Internet Zugang notwendig: DSL Flatrate und guter Provider: Arcor, T-Online, Congster




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