eMule der P2P Filesharing Client dient zum downloaden von Filmen, Movies, Software, Spielen, Games und Erotik. Zum herunterladen braucht eMule eine schnelle Internet Connection Verbindung bzw. Internet Zugang notwendig: DSL Flatrate und guter Provider: Arcor, T-Online, Congster


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eMule 0.46c WebCache 2.0a ß1

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eMule 0.46c WebCache 2.0a ß1 bewerten...

WebCache 1.9a Beta - Based on eMule 0.44b - Caches data on HTTP proxy servers.

Quick Start:
1. Start eMule and connect to a server or Kad.
2. Go to Preferences->Webcache and press the AutoDetect button, if autodetection fails you will have to enter your proxy servers' address and port number manually, you should be able to find these out by either typing your ISPs' name and the word 'proxy' in google, or by calling your ISPs' customer support and asking them. When you find out your ISP-proxy-server please submit your settings (either via the email link or the webform) so we can improve the autodetector.
3. Restart eMule.

When downloading/uploading using HTTP you will see 'Up/Downloading Via Proxy' in the status columns of your up/download lists. When downloading _cached_ data from your proxy (data that had already been downloaded via the proxy by another client), you will see a client with a webcache icon called 'HTTP Proxy @ xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx' the x's being the proxys' IP address.

In order for webcached transfer to occur there must be two webcache clients downloading the same file from behind the same proxy (both still needing the requested chunk), and another webcache client (proxy doesn't matter) uploading it. Usually, if there are no other clients behind your proxy downloading the same file as you, your webcache-mule will not use your proxy for the download (it will download using the standard ED2K protocol). The only exception to this is the webcache testfile, which will always be downloaded via the proxy using HTTP.

Test file:

In version 1.2 we have added an option to allow/disallow persistent connections to the proxy server. It appears that different proxies behave differently with regard to persistent connections. Some, like www-proxy.t-online.de will terminate a connection after a single HTTP GET request, resulting in lost blocks if the persistent connection option is checked. While others, like proxy.netvision.net.il will (apparently) throttle the connection at first, resulting in a slow download-rate if the persistant connections option is unchecked.

We have disabled persistent connections by default, since this is the safer setting. If you see that your cached downloads are slow even when you have several cached blocks on queue (you can see this in the verbose log window), you should try to check this option. The persistent connections checkbox is under Preferences->Webcache->'show advanced controls'. Let us know which settings seems to be the better one for your ISP.

** Note: 1.2d handles HTTP connections better, if persistent connections didn't work well for you in older versions, they might work now. Depending on user-feedback, we might make persistent connections on by default in the future.

One of the new v1.9 features is automatic proxy database updating. It’s a good idea to keep the settings up-to-date, but if you don’t like them, you can disable automatic updates in the advanced webcache settings.



Internet Zugang notwendig: DSL Flatrate und guter Provider: Arcor, T-Online, Congster




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