eMule der P2P Filesharing Client dient zum downloaden von Filmen, Movies, Software, Spielen, Games und Erotik. Zum herunterladen braucht eMule eine schnelle Internet Connection Verbindung bzw. Internet Zugang notwendig: DSL Flatrate und guter Provider: Arcor, T-Online, Congster


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eMule 0.47c VipeR v6.2

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eMule 0.47c VipeR v6.2 bewerten...


eMule 0.46c VipeR v4.4
[Add]Nice hash[CB]
[Add]Don't draw hidden Rect (morph)
[Add]show progress hash [02]
[Add]grey out dead servers (BlueSonicBoy)
[Add]Improved sources Finding [iONiX]
[Add]Friend eLinks [emulEspaña]
[Add]Client Analizer 1.3[WiZaRd]
[Add]list requested files
[Add]show uncomplete files in blue[miles]
[Add]show powershare files in green[miles]
[Add]Faster endgame[Dazzle]
[Add]see on uploadqueue[Xman]
[Add]show client percentage[xillio]
[Add]On ID change [xanatos/TKB]
[Add]Don't Refresh item if not needed[SiRoB]
[Add]Upload/Download on uploadlistctrl
[Add]Dl Status on uploadlistctrl
[Add]Find best sources[xman]
[Add]Friend in bold[WIN/kts]
[Add]Show connected server in bluebold[Xman]
[Add]see all source[xman]
[Add]upload toolbar[xman]
[Add]show LowIDs in yellow [xman]

[Change]HideOS=>Xman's Dynamic HideOS

[Removed]Antinicktief because it's on analizer
[Removed]CPU/MEM usage in transferwnd
[Removed]Ratio 1:4 -> Official ratio
[Removed]Some codes(LSd)


eMule 0.46c VipeR v4.3
- Add: Anti Fake Rank [kts]
- Add: download in Red [on/off] [MorphXT]
- Add: download in bold [on/off] [MorphXT]
- Add: slot control [on/off] in upload window [spe64]
- Add: display CPU/MEM usage in transferwnd [$ick$]
- Add: display CPU/MEM usage in Statistic [$ick$]
- Add: optimitisation CPU [Netfinity]
- Add: Hay Mensaje [spanish-man/Ikabot/kts]

- Re-add: Webserveur/interface
- Re-add: Tools
- Re-add: Notifications
- Re-add: Proxy

eMule 0.46c VipeR v4.2
- Removed MobilMule
- Removed Webserveur/interface
- Removed Tools
- Removed Notifications
- Removed Proxy
- Removed Wizard
- Removed Anti Mod Thief
- Add Feedback color
- Add Diff QR
- Add Side Banner (THX Lacouz)
- Fix some bugs

eMule 0.46c VipeR v4.1
- Fix: Showflag
- Fix: Ratio
- Add: Anti nick thief
- Add: Anti Mod thief
- Add: English language
- Add: Italian and French DDL

eMule 0.46c VipeR v4.0 Final
Based on 0.46c (not ZZ!)
Removed Fonctions:
- l'IRC
- Scheduler
- l'Help
- Minimule
- Splash

Add Fonctions:
- Super release
- Slot control
- Quick Start
- DropsSettings (with timer)
- Share olny the need
- Powershare Morph
- A4AF
- Hide over Share
- Show flag
- Ratio 1:4 ( Upload < 60ko/s )

PS: No Multi FS and Push (Bad fonctions even with a ratio )

eMule 0.46a VipeR v3.3 *23.06.05*
Add:Showh Flag [Eastshare/TKB]
Add:Drop Sources system
Changed: File buffer size (7.5Mo)
Remover Push rare files

eMule 0.46a VipeR v3.2
Fixed:WS2_32.dll  error  [Netfinity]
Add:Push  Small  File
Add:Push  Rare  file

eMule 0.46a VipeR v3.1
Add:Slot Focus (ZZ)
Add:Powershare (ZZ)
Add:Multi friend slot (ZZ)
Add:Slot control (Tritant)
Add:Disable slot focus (kts)
Add:Feedback color ($ick$ + Miles + Morph)
Add: Direct Upload (Tritant)
Add:Automatic FS (kts)
Add:Super release
Removed: IRC etc
Changed:Ratio 1:3 -> 1:4

eMule 0.45b VipeR v2.2
ADD: Menu VipeR
ADD: Anti mod Faker
Removed: Exit Smoothly
Changed: File buffer Size (7.5Mo)
Fixed:All Smalls bugs

eMule 0.45b VipeR v2.1
-ADD:Bouton eMulix and DDoS
-ADD:exit  smoothly  [RT]
-ADD:Updated Bad MODSTRING list [SiRoB]
-ADD: Push Small files
-ADD: Push Rare Files
-ADD:Control SLot [Miles]
-ADD:Pay back First
-ADD:AntiNickThief V2
-ADD:Disable Slot Focus
-ADD:Direct Upload
-ADD:Quick Start
-ADD:Super release

eMule 0.45b VipeR v2
Add: Auto FS
Add: Remove to Upload
Add: Auto unban Friend
Add: Push Small files
Add: Push Rare Files
Fix: Tweaks menu

eMule 0.45b VipeR 1.b
[Add] : Controll SLot [Miles] avec possibilité de le désactiver
[Add] : Pay back First
[Add] : AntiNickThief V2
[FiX] : Inversion dans la fenetre d'upload


eMule 0.45b VipeR 1.a
Based on eMule 0.45b Magicseb
-[Add]:Disable Slot Focus
-[Add]:Slot control
-[Add]:Direct Upload
-[Add]:Quick Start
-[Add]:Super release



Internet Zugang notwendig: DSL Flatrate und guter Provider: Arcor, T-Online, Congster




eMule .:. Server.Met .:. eMule Download .:. eMule-Anleitung .:. eMule-Archiv .:. allnews.de .:. eMoogle Amazon: Computerspiele
