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eMule 0.47c VipeR V6.2
Based on eMule 0.47c
Fixed: Removed Bad Fonction (Really sorry)
eMule 0.47c VipeR V6.1
Based on eMule 0.47c
+ Diff QR
+ ShowFakeRank
+ Super Release
+ download in bold
+ download in red
+ Upload Color [ON/OFF]
+ Slot Limiting (tries to reduce the number of upload slots)
+ Slot Control [On/Off] + in upload window
+ Quick start
+ Drop système
+ show flag
+ show LowIDs in yellow
+ show uncomplete files in blue
+ show powershare files in green
+ Show connected server in bluebold
+ Powerelease
+ Dynamic HideOS
+ Side Banner
+ Display CPU/MEM usage in Statistic [
+ Grey out dead servers
+ Feeback Color
eMule 0.47a VipeR V5.0
Removed Fonctions:
- l'IRC
- Scheduler
- Minimule
Add Fonctions:
+ Slot Focus [On/Off] + in upload window
+ Slot Control [On/Off] + in upload window
+ Diff Qr
+ Antifake rank
+ Quick start
+ Drop système
+ show flag
+ Client Analizer 1.3 [WiZaRd]
+ show LowIDs in yellow [Xman]
+ show client percentage[xillio]
+ show uncomplete files in blue[Miles]
+ show powershare files in green[Miles]
+ Show connected server in bluebold[Xman]
+ Powerelease [Xman]
+ Dynamic HideOS [Xman]
+ Side Banner
+ Super release
+ Hay Mensaje [spanish-man/Ikabot/kts]
+ Display CPU/MEM usage in Statistic [$ick$]
+ Grey out dead servers (BlueSonicBoy)
+ Feeback Color