eMule der P2P Filesharing Client dient zum downloaden von Filmen, Movies, Software, Spielen, Games und Erotik. Zum herunterladen braucht eMule eine schnelle Internet Connection Verbindung bzw. Internet Zugang notwendig: DSL Flatrate und guter Provider: Arcor, T-Online, Congster


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eMule 0.46a Pastagua v6

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Download: eMule 0.46a Pastagua

** eMule 0.46a Pastagua V6 **
Merge on 0.46a
eMule 0.45b Pastagua XxLight v2


** eMule 0.45b Pastagua XxLight v2**
*FIXED :Problem with unlimited upload session
*FIXED :bug in Display Window with "show cpu in title"
*ADDED :Community visualization (no boost)
*ADDED :ICS (Intelligent Chunk Sharing) [enkeyDev]
*ADDED :Modif: Now, selection of slot number if slot control is enable.
*ADDED :uncomplete files in sharedfile list in blue [DkD]
*ADDED :Mighty Knife:Report hashing files [Morph]
*ADDED :push small/rare files
*ADDED :powershare files in sharedfile list in red (On/Off in preferences\Display)[Miles]
*ADDED :Download Files Color [DkD] modified --> paused/Stopped in grey -uncompleted in pink
*ADDED :file in PS is indicated in slotNumber column
*ADDED :WINSOCK2 [eWombat]
*ADDED :Bold Download-Settings in Preferences [shadow2004]
*ADDED :Save Upload Queue WaiT time
*ADDED :Button to visit eMulix site
*ADDED :Improved Buffer Size to 7.5 Mo
*ADDED :Chunk Selection Patch by Xman [cyrex2001]
*ADDED :Multi Credit System
*ADDED :Payback first
*ADDED :Ban aggressive clients(sivka-ban) enable/disable [cyrex2001]
*ADDED :Timer for ban aggressive clients [cyrex2001]
*ADDED :Counter for ask of aggresive clients [cyrex2001]
*ADDED :Log Banned Clients (enable/disable)
*ADDED :remove/add friend in all windows [Morph/LSD]
*ADDED :remove/add one only friendSlot in all windows [Morph/LSD]
*ADDED :show/List Requested Files[Morph]


** eMule 0.45b Pastagua XxLight **
Based on 0.45b Zzul 20050212-0200
*Modif :Identification clients
*Add: Quickstart [Tritant]
*Add: Show position in upload list [OČ]
*Add: Feedback FR/UK [Traduction Magic/rafix] with Colors [Miles]
*Add: Hard Limit [Sivka]
*Add: show hardlimit to sourcelist [cyrex2001/Miles]
*Add: DropsSettings (with timer) (V!nyl) [Based on Tritant]
*Add: DiffQR - AntiFakeRank With Colors
*Add: Slugfiller: modid
*Add: SNAFU V3 by eWombat/Morph [cyrex2001]
*Add: Anti-Leecher enable/disable [shadow2004/cyrex2001]
*Add: Anti-Bad-Community enable/disable [shadow2004/cyrex2001]
*Add: Anti-GPL-Breaker enable/disable [shadow2004/cyrex2001]
*Add: Section Leecher, Bad-community and gpl-breaker to statistics [cyrex2001]
*Add: Anti Nick Thief V.2 [Wizard]
*Add: Defeat 0-filled Part Senders from Maella
*Add: spreadbars and per Files (ON/OFF/Reset)
*Add: hideos
*Add: selective chunk sharing
*Add: Share Only The Need
*Add: Slot Focus (ON/OFF)
*Add: Tritant slots control (On/Off) You have the choice!!!!!!!
*Add: show CPU usage and memory usage on title (On/Off)
*Add: SpamBan [SlugFiller]
*Add: event on chat button -Fix-[by SiRoB]



Internet Zugang notwendig: DSL Flatrate und guter Provider: Arcor, T-Online, Congster




eMule .:. Server.Met .:. eMule Download .:. eMule-Anleitung .:. eMule-Archiv .:. allnews.de .:. eMoogle Amazon: Computerspiele
