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eMule 0.50a MorphXT 12.6

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Binaries: eMule-0.46c-MorphXT-v7.8-bin.rar

German Morph Support

Changelog for eMule 0.46c MorphXT v7.8
FIXED : (major) Various crash arround category manipulation or file completion [SiRoB]
FIXED : (minor) Minimize to tray when we use the autostart [SiRoB]

CHANGED: Added TMPL_FAILEDLOGIN into eMule.tmpl [leuk_he]
CHANGED: Put back full safe hash code from Slugfiller mod [SiRoB]
CHANGED: Put some kind of official open slot limitation [SiRoB]

Changelog for eMule 0.46c MorphXT v7.7
FIXED : (minor) Assertion for PPgMorph.cpp [Stulle]
FIXED : (minot) feedback for other languages (transferred) [Stulle]
FIXED : (minor) Avi3k: maxfilesize fix [leuk_he]
FIXED : (minor) Avi3k: search index check [leuk_he]
FIXED : (minor) Xanatos: critical socket fix [leuk_he]
FIXED : (major) Patched safehash thread hashing to avoid crash when reading on a bad cluster [SiRoB]
- This permit to avoid just the crash, you still need to perform a scandisk to move part pointing to bad cluster
FIXED : (major) Patched safehash to avoid crash when we are shuting down emule [SiRoB]
FIXED : (minor) Turn back change to fix Multisort wroung column sorting with only client sort (CTRL+column click) [SiRoB]

ADDED : ReadBlockFromFileThead: make read block for uploading client no main thread blocking [SiRoB]
- It will help to avoid disturbing upload when harddisk is under heavy access.

CHANGED: Equal Chances for Each File uses Session values now [Stulle]
CHANGED: USC: Avoid limiting speed of client too much when switching from focused to no focused mode [SiRoB]
CHANGED: (secutity) Backlog on WEBserver listen socket have been set to 5 [SiRoB]
CHANGED: (secutity) Backlog on WAPserver listen socket have been set to 5 [SiRoB]
CHANGED: Updated Anti-Leecher [SiRoB]

REMOVED: unused Nice Hash preferences code [Stulle]
REMOVED: Obsolete security icon in Morhp settings removed. [leuk_he]
REMOVED: Help from morph preferences (caused a crash) [leuk_he]

Changelog for eMule 0.46c MorphXT v7.6
FIXED : (minor) USC open slot with unlimited datarate class [SiRoB]

Changelog for eMule 0.46c MorphXT v7.5
FIXED : (minor) icon arround webcache proxyclient in downloadclientctrl [SiRoB]
FIXED : (minor) sorting item arround downloadclientctrl (by XMan) [SiRoB]
FIXED : (minor) WC: Avoid xml setting autoupdating when webcache is disable [SiRoB]
FIXED : (minor) display of score ratio in icon for lovelace and Pawcio CS [Stulle]
FIXED : (minor) USC: High class limiter (FS, PS or PBF) are respected [SiRoB]
FIXED : (minor) Load hot key for invisible mode correct from preferences[leuk_he]
FIXED : (minor) no server busy switch to message on a busy pc during windows starup[leuk_he]
FIXED : Prevent forgetting identical named .met files in different tempdirs[leuk_he]
FIXED : (minor) Static servers do not need a static priority. [leuk_he]
FIXED : (minor) Fix log scrollbar redraw [SiRoB]
ADDED : Display BusyRatio in uploading list [SiRoB]
CHANGED: PowerShare limit have been limited to 5 virtual sources [SiRoB]
CHANGED: UploadBandWidthThrottler: Limiting send buffer to DoubleSendSize to avoid createnextblockpackage to be blocked too much time [SiRoB]
TWEAKED: USC: hope this will take into account much possible case to avoid not filled bandwidth [SiRoB]

Changelog for eMule 0.46c MorphXT v7.4
FIXED : (major) SafeHash Patch from SlugFiller mod (Borschtsch)
FIXED : (minor) Mixed icon in downloadclientlist
FIXED : (major) Rollback code arround ICS feature
FIXED : (minor) Smart A4AF swaping
FIXED : (minor) Advanced A4AF management
FIXED : (minor) Shared Part column have been fixed (missed merging code from 0.46c)
FIXED : (minor) Changed Share Only The Need a bit due to official change

CHANGED: Turned back the right sorting of the file status column
CHANGED: Moved back "Download In Alphabetical Order" setting in priority popup menu
CHANGED: Reworked a bit the Anti-leecher to not ban client morph based mod
CHANGED: Linear priority column show us all information regarding download priority
CHANGED: EastShare CS has been updated according to change in official
CHANGED: Create ipfilter, fake and ip2country class first to avoid multiple hd access while hashing
CHANGED: USC: changed the way to limit upload slot datarate to balance upload and avoid lost of bandwidth
- so don't worry if you see datarate above limit with 1" upload avarage setting
- in short trickel slot may take high datarate until their avarage download reach upload limit setting
CHANGED: WC: WebCache site has been shutdown due to high load, so i removed link for autoupdate webcachesetting
CHANGED: Every client are now equal arround PowerShare file state
CHANGED: zz code update arround scheduled upload system

ADDED : Patch to make shareable file succefuly completed with insufficient space disk on target

TWEAKED: Anti-Leecher test order by Stulle

Changelog for eMule 0.46c MorphXT v7.3
FIXED : (major) Patched Official minimule to eradicate the systray crash [SiRoB]
FIXED : (major) Patched Official CreateBlockRequests causing crash reported by leuk_he [SiRoB]
FIXED : (major) Missed code when merging to offical 0.46c causing unpredicable resulte [SiRoB]
FIXED : (minor) Missed some code with the previous hideos update [SiRoB]
FIXED : (minor) wrong display rating icon in transfer window [SiRoB]

ADDED: Catch creditmet file loading exception for public key length greater than MAXPUBKEYSIZE [SiRoB]
- this fix crash when a specific corruption occur in creditmet files.

CHANGED: Reviewed every lib project setting to speed up the code [SiRoB]
CHANGED: Updated zlib to 1.2.3 version [SiRoB]
CHANGED: USC: Reviewed the way to consume bandwidth [SiRoB]
CHANGED: USC: Try to keep always one trickle slot [SiRoB]
CHANGED: pthread dll have benn turned into static lib thank's to leuk_he (no need to keep pthreadvc dll) [SiRoB]
CHANGED: Changed crash dump directive to not show the emule dump email adress [SiRoB]
CHANGED: Fake.dat file are now available in zip format so i changed the reset setting [SiRoB]

REMOVED: No more ReadWriteLock safeHash code [SiRoB]

TWEAKED: May the loading of creditmet file speed up [SiRoB]

Changelog for eMule 0.46c MorphXT v7.2
MERGED : Ported to 0.46c version [SiRoB]

FIXED : Properly display the upload overhead [SiRoB]
FIXED : May i found the responsible for rare crash arround resume next file [SiRoB]

ADDED : Serveral const optimization [SiRoB]
ADDED : Even more requpfile Optimization (for crazy user sharing many files , reduce CPU usage on zz upload system based mod) [SiRoB]
- In short this avoid looking for knownfile pointer in the sharedlist. If you are sharing many many file this may reduce considerably cpu load.
ADDED : Some kind of stop open slot in some congestion case or when connection is lost [SiRoB]

CHANGED: USS: use the official one now [SiRoB]
CHANGED: Updated bad MODSTRING with the fucking ita mod [SiRoB]
CHANGED: Updated MultiSort from SlugFiller mod + small change to permit both sorting with CTRL key [SiRoB]
CHANGED: Updated SafeHash from SlugFiller mod [SiRoB]
CHANGED: Updated UPNP Support from MoNKi patch [SiRoB]

REMOVED: Updated bad MODSTRING with null char [SiRoB]


Changelog for eMule 0.46a MorphXT v7.1
FIXED : Possible crash when using HideOS or Share Only The Need (same client request different file) [SiRoB]
FIXED : Crash-fix on close using systray by Xman1 [SiRoB]
FIXED : USC: Higher class where not properly capped [SiRoB]
FIXED : ImportPart: avoid crash when importing part file stored on bad sector [SiRoB]
FIXED : Datarate Management: display properly the average datarate when we use 1s setting [SiRoB]

ADDED : requpfile Optimization (for crazy user sharing many files , reduce CPU usage on zz upload system based mod) [SiRoB]

CHANGED: USS: changed a bit to avoid perturbation [SiRoB]
CHANGED: Datarate Management: reviewed a bit the way to keep sample [SiRoB]
CHANGED: Updated bad MODSTRING with fake sivka version [SiRoB]
CHANGED: Updated bad MODSTRING with null char [SiRoB]
CHANGED: USC: reviewved to avoid trickle slot to timeout [SiRoB]


Changelog for eMule 0.46a MorphXT v7.0
MERGED : Ported to 0.46a version [SiRoB]
MERGED : Merged A4AF from latest ZZ Mod [SiRoB]

FIXED : SafeHash code fix arround corruptionblackbox [SiRoB]
FIXED : SafeHash code fix arround AICHSyncThread start (delay load shared files) [SiRoB]
FIXED : Official Crash fix arround Chat Context menu [SiRoB]
FIXED : Official Minor fix arround middle button click in the Transfert Window [SiRoB]
FIXED : Crash fix on category merge [SiRoB]
FIXED : Fix eMule process remain on shutdown by using updated pthread (v2.6) [SiRoB]
FIXED : zz scheduled slot: added a check in AcceptNewClient to bypass 4 slot limit [SiRoB]

ADDED : NiceHash from CB mod (need some feed back for this testing) [AndCycle]
relate topic http://forum.emule-project.net/index.php?showtopic=63906&hl=nicehash
ADDED : Calcul Over Head by using Upload Over Head from uploadbandwidththrottler [SiRoB]
ADDED : Separate average upload based on 30" for USS system (as in the official client) [SiRoB]
ADDED : Datarate Average Time Management (Default 30s near the official client) [SiRoB]
ADDED : Anti WSAEWOULDBLOCK ensure that socket buffer is larger than app one [SiRoB]
ADDED : Rescue CatResumeOrder (Linear Priority) due to the new official tag used for SourceLimit [SiRoB]
ADDED : UPNPLIB: Added preprocessor definitions (UPNP_STATIC_LIB) for a proper compilation [SiRoB]
ADDED : Display busy state for upload client [SiRoB]

CHANGED: ImportParts: Updated with 003 version from SR13 mod [SiRoB]
CHANGED: USS: Minor change [SiRoB]
CHANGED: Use the latest UPNP from emulespana mod (Big thx to MoNKi) + MemLeak fix [SiRoB]
CHANGED: QueueBar: Added hard limit one [SiRoB]
CHANGED: Updater: Use an other methode to see if we need to update it [SiRoB]
CHANGED: Display the Default ShareOnlyTheNeed mode in Sharedfile window [SiRoB]
CHANGED: FunnyNick: fully dynamic now [SiRoB]

TEAWKED: See parts hidden by HOS and SOTN have been tweaked a bit [SiRoB]

REMOVED: Only Lock When Needed (arround ControlPacket Queueing) [SiRoB]

- Compiled with VS2003 + wspapi.h patch by NetInfinity.
- Don't forget to use pthreadVC2.dll instead of version 1.
- As many people don't understand the need to display live upload data rate i added a manual setting (every one schould be happy).



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