eMule der P2P Filesharing Client dient zum downloaden von Filmen, Movies, Software, Spielen, Games und Erotik. Zum herunterladen braucht eMule eine schnelle Internet Connection Verbindung bzw. Internet Zugang notwendig: DSL Flatrate und guter Provider: Arcor, T-Online, Congster


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eMule 0.49c X-Ray v1.7

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Main Features
DynamicBlockRequest [netfinity]
Slot Control [sivka/JvA]
SafeHash [Slugfiller/SiRoB]
Drop Stalled Sources [netfinity]
Save Upload-Queue-Wait-Time [moonlight]
Connetion Checker [eWombat/WiZaRd]
ReAsk Sources after IP Change [maella/Stulle]
ActiveConnectionControl [Obelix/MaxUpload/JvA]
AutoSoftLock [David Xanatos/JvA]
SourceDropSystem [sivka/JvA]
many Improvements [Xman/WiZaRd/David Xanatos/SiRoB]


eMule 0.47c X-Ray MoD 1.1

Type Idea Source/Edit Description Used Tag
Feature SiRoB SilverSurfer SolidGraph // X-Ray :: SolidGraph
Feature Mighty Knife StulleMule Static Server Handling - don't remove static servers // X-Ray :: StaticServerHandling
Feature SiRoB MorphXT Software Column in Upload- & Queuelist // X-Ray :: ClientSoftwareColumn
Fix JvA JvA Fixed major Uploadbug - thx 2 LorenzoC & hackersondope2002 // X-Ray :: FullChunk


eMule 0.47c X-Ray MoD 1.0

Type Idea Source/Edit Description Used Tag
Update itsonlyme SiRoB New ModID and Modname Code // X-Ray :: Modname
Update Slugfiller Xman/MorphXT Minor Update of SafeHash Code // X-Ray :: SafeHash
Update SiRoB Spike2 Updated "Fix Connection Collision" Code // X-Ray :: FixConnectionCollision
Update Spike2 Spike2 Enhanced Client Recognization // X-Ray :: EnhancedClientRecognization
Update Maella/Stulle Spike2/Neo ReAsk Sources - inform eMule's and Donkeys via OP_CHANGE_CLIENT_ID // X-Ray :: ReAskSrcAfterIPChange
Update netfinity Xman DynamicBlockRequest - merged few xman changes into netfinity's code // X-Ray :: DynamicBlockRequest
Update Michael Fatzi DavidXanatos Updated major parts of the Speedgraph code (CDialog->CWnd) // X-Ray :: Speedgraph
Update A. Kazakovsky WiZaRd Updated major parts of the SysInfo code // X-Ray :: Statusbar
Update David Xanatos JvA AutoSoftLock v2 - now you can set a global- and a file-based ASL-Value // X-Ray :: AutoSoftLock
Readded     Readded IRC  
Feature Slugfiller SF-IOM/JvA Set UploadPriority in Downloadlist and DownloadPriority in ShareList // X-Ray :: DLULPrioExtension
Feature ??? TK4Mod Show Unknown Protocol Tags received from Client in Client Detail Dialog // X-Ray :: UnknownProtTags
Feature BlueSonicBoy TK4Mod/JvA Redesigned Client Detail Dialog // X-Ray :: RedesignedClientDetailDlg
Feature itsonlyme David Xanatos ReqFiles // X-Ray :: ReqFiles
Feature MorphXT NeoMule MultiFileStatusBars // X-Ray :: MultiFileStatusbars
Feature slugfiller David Xanatos Modeless Dialogs // X-Ray :: ModelessDialogs
Feature enkeyDEV Spike2 Save/Load Sources // X-Ray :: SLS
Feature WiZaRd eMulefuture Save Friendslot // X-Ray :: SaveFU
Feature netfinity Spike2 UDP Reask security check - Don't accept responses if we haven't asked // X-Ray :: UDPReaskSecurityCheck
Feature netfinity Spike2 Known Client Bonus // X-Ray :: KnownClientBonus
Feature WiZaRd eMulefuture IntelliFlush // X-Ray :: IntelliFlush
Feature EastShare MorphXT/Xman IP2Country - added flags, new icons(e+) + Kadflags(emulefuture) + Update // X-Ray :: IP2Country
Feature Yun.SF3 MorphXT IPFilter Update // X-Ray :: IPFilterUpdate
Feature Slugfiller eMulefuture Show Estaminated Time till downloading from Client // X-Ray :: QRETA
Feature ??? eMulefuture OwnPrefs (preferences_xray.ini) // X-Ray :: OwnPrefs
Feature ??? eMulefuture FreshPrefs // X-Ray :: FreshPrefs
Feature Official MorphXT/Stulle Own Mod Version Check // X-Ray :: X-Ray Version Check
Feature MaxUpload Stulle Global Hard Limit // X-Ray :: Global Hardlimit
Feature leuk_he eMulefuture Obfuscated HTTP-Transfers // X-Ray :: ObfuscatedHTTPTransfers
Feature eWombat eMulefuture Winsock2 Support // X-Ray :: Winsock2
Feature Slugfiller Spike2 InfiniteQueue // X-Ray :: InfiniteQueue
Feature Slugfiller TKB/JvA/Stulle SlotRelease (Big Thx Stulle for your help) // X-Ray :: SlotRelease
Feature Xman Spike2 80% score for non SUI clients // X-Ray :: ScoreReducedNonSUIClients
Feature Xman Xtreme Uploadtoolbar // X-Ray :: Uploadtoolbar
Feature WiZaRd eMulefuture Redesigned Shared Files Window // X-Ray :: RedesignedFilesWnd
Feature Stulle Stulle Compat Client Stats // X-Ray :: CompatClientStats
Add JvA JvA Added some more checks for AutoSoftLock and ActiveConnectionControl  
Replace DonkeyHote WiZaRd Replaced the old (buggy) toolbar code with the new one // X-Ray :: Toolbar
Replace itsonlyme eMulefuture Replaced QRDiff code with itsonlyme's one (thought it was little bit buggy) // X-Ray :: QRdiff
Replace Commander NeoMule Replaced the old Clientpercentage with NeoMule's // X-Ray :: ClientPercentage
Replace DarkMaster DarkMaster Replaced the old Toolbar with the new one designed by DarkMaster // X-Ray :: Toolbar
Changed VQB/WiZaRd Spike2 Removed Normal- and FriendChunkNr and changed FriedUploadamount to max 4gb // X-Ray :: FullChunk
Remove sivka   Don't interrupt upload if waiting queue empty or friend-slot // X-Ray :: HoldULSessionOnEmptyQueue
Remove Xanatos/JvA   Removed Skinable Toolbar // X-Ray :: SkinableToolbar
Remove Avi3k hebmule Extended Shared View // X-Ray :: ExtendedSharedView
Fix DavidXanatos NeoMule Critical Packet Fix // X-Ray :: CriticalPacketFix
Fix WiZaRd eMulefuture Threadsafe Fix // X-Ray :: ThreadsafeFix
Fix MadDog JvA Fixed Trayicon bug that Downloadbar wasn't shown  
Fix JvA JvA Fixed Sortbug of TotalUpDown // X-Ray :: TotalUpDown
Fix WiZaRd JvA Fixed small displaybug around XP-GroupBox // X-Ray :: XP-GroupBox
Fix WiZaRd JvA Fixed wrong lables of NiceHash Settings // X-Ray :: NiceHash
Fix WiZaRd NeoMule Fixed Loop-Bug in ClientList.cpp // X-Ray :: LoopImprovement
Fix Xman Xtreme Fixed destroy splashscreen bug when you close emule right after start // X-Ray :: SplashExtended
Fix JvA JvA Fixed minor Load/Save Bug of ReleaseBonus-Preferences // X-Ray :: ReleaseBonus
Fix dlarge JvA Fixed major Bug of VariableReaskTime-Preferences // X-Ray :: VariableReaskTime
Fix JvA JvA Fixed major Bug of DropSources-Preferences // X-Ray :: DropSystem



eMule 0.47c X-Ray MoD 0.3

Type Idea/Src from Disription Used Tag
Merge   Merged to 47c Codebase  
Update Xman Updated Sourcecache Implementation // X-Ray :: Sourcecache
Update WiZaRd Updated AutomaticKademliaFirewalledRecheck Implementation // X-Ray :: AutoKadFirewallRecheck
Feature Slugfiller SearchCatch // X-Ray :: SearchCatch
Feature itsonlyme/Neo CacheUDPsearchResults // X-Ray :: CacheUDPSearchResults
Feature eWombat/Stulle Connetion Checker // X-Ray :: ConChecker
Feature Maella/Stulle ReAsk Sources after IP Change // X-Ray :: ReAskSrcAfterIPChange
Feature Spike2/Pawcio Reconnect to Kademlia (after Connection error) // X-Ray :: ReconnectToKadAfterConnectionError
Feature Spike2/Pawcio Reset Kad-IP on IP Change // X-Ray :: ResetKadIP
Feature Maella/Stulle Spread ReAsk // X-Ray :: SpreadReask
Feature Stulle Variable ReAsk Time // X-Ray :: VariableReaskTime
Feature Spike2/TK4 Enhanced Client Recognization // X-Ray :: EnhancedClientRecognization
Feature Max/Obelix/JvA ActiveConnectionControl // X-Ray :: ActiveConnectionControl
Feature NeoMule AutoSoftLock // X-Ray :: AutoSoftLock
Feature Peace/JvA Added icons to show the Queue Difference better // X-Ray :: QRdiff
Feature Avi3k Extended Shared View // X-Ray :: ExtendedSharedView
Feature WiZaRd/JvA 3D-Text for PrefSlider // X-Ray :: 3DTextForPrefSlider
Feature WiZaRd/JvA X-Ray Color Style for the PrefSlider // X-Ray :: PrefSliderColors
Feature pHoeniX Fadeout on Exit // X-Ray :: Fadeout on Exit
Feature pHoeniX/eMF XP-GroupBox // X-Ray :: XP-GroupBox
Feature WiZaRd Relax on Start-Up // X-Ray :: RelaxOnStartUp
Feature WiZaRd Now so you can always see e.g. UL/DL stats even if the client is offline // X-Ray :: OfflineFriendData
Feature Tarod/MorphXT Show Compression in UploadListCtrl // X-Ray :: ShowCompression
Feature WiZaRd/Lama New nice looking Statistics // X-Ray :: WiZaRdStats
Feature eF-Mod Nice Hash // X-Ray :: NiceHash
Feature iONiX/Bastard Nice Move // X-Ray :: NiceMove
Feature TPT/Xtreme/JvA ProcessPriority - differs from Xtreme, Priority is set AFTER complete start // X-Ray :: ProcessPrio
Feature Xtreme Don't overwrite bak files if last sessions crashed // X-Ray :: DontOverwriteBakFiles
Feature NeoMule Added Tabbed Preferences // X-Ray :: PPgPrefTabs
Feature Sivka/JvA SourceDropSystem // X-Ray :: DropSystem
Feature Stulle Auto Drop Immunity // X-Ray :: AutoDropImmunity
Feature Sivka Don't interrupt upload if waiting queue empty or friend-slot // X-Ray :: HoldULSessionOnEmptyQueue
Feature Sivka/Xman Stop Downloading from one single client // X-Ray :: StopDownload
Feature WiZaRd XS-workaround for older clients // X-Ray :: XS-Workaround
Feature eMulefuture Faster Re-Ask on MLdonkeys // X-Ray :: FastReaskforMLDonkey
Feature netfinity Anti-Shape // X-Ray :: AntiShape
Improve NeoMule BetterClientAttaching // X-Ray :: BetterClientAttaching
Improve NeoMule/WiZaRd LoopImprovement // X-Ray :: LoopImprovement
Improve Xman Init-Hashtable optimization // X-Ray :: KnownFileListHashTableImprovement
Improve Xman Don't refresh list-item on deletion // X-Ray :: DontRefreshOnItemDeletion
Improve WiZaRd Proper KadClientList-Client deletion // X-Ray :: ProperKadClientListCleanup
Add   Added many Preferences Security Checks and Limits to the Slotcontrol  
Add Xanatos Added some code to SessionDownloadFeature // X-Ray :: SessionDownload
Changed JvA Few things in ChunkSettings and the calculation // X-Ray :: FullChunk
Removed Xman Better Chunk Selection - it's not needed at the moment cause of the zz code  
Removed NexteMF Official Toolbar Code  
Fix Sirob Fix Connection Collision // X-Ray :: FixConnectionCollision
Fix   Fixed some things for the debug mode  
Fix DavidXanatos Fixed a Bug in the new XS v4 for Obfuscation  
Fix Xman Crashfix At Mmsocket  
Fix shadow2004 Show the correct serverport in networkinfodlg if obfuscution is used  
Fix   Small displayfix in Splashscreen (thx WiZ for reporting)  


eMule 0.47c X-Ray MoD 0.2 Alpha

Type Idea/Src from Disription Used Tag
Merge   Merged to 47b Codebase  
Feature SF-IOM Completed SafeHash Implementation // X-Ray :: SafeHash
Feature Morph/Xtreme FlushBuffer // X-Ray :: FlushBuffer
Feature Xtreme Queued Disc-Access for Read/Flushing-Threads // X-Ray :: QueuedFlushThreads
Feature Morph/Xtreme ReadBlockFromFileThread // X-Ray :: ReadBlockFromFileThread
Feature O2/Xtreme Hash Progress // X-Ray :: HashProgress
Feature MorphXT Display current uploading chunk // X-Ray :: UploadChunkDisplay
Feature MorphXT Display current downloading chunk // X-Ray :: DownloadChunkDisplay
Feature eF-Mod Show Total UP/DOWN // X-Ray :: TotalUpDown
Feature xrmb Confirmed download // X-Ray :: ConfirmedDownload
Feature xrmb See the need // X-Ray :: SeeTheNeed
Feature   Show chunk dots in downloadlist progress // X-Ray :: ChunkDots
Feature Slugfiller DoubleLucas // X-Ray :: DoubleLucas
Feature Slugfiller QPFPush - Gives an inverse boost to less popular files for more equality // X-Ray :: QPFPush
Feature Moonlight/Scar Save Upload-Queue-Wait-Time // X-Ray :: SUQWT
Feature Sivka/Stulle Release Bonus // X-Ray :: ReleaseBonus
Feature netfinity Drop Stalled Sources // X-Ray :: DropStalledSources
Feature netfinity Delayed NNP // X-Ray :: DelayedNNP
Feature netfinity Reask Partstatus on NNP // X-Ray :: ReaskPartstatusOnNNP
Feature JvA All P2P get their correct icon and clients with ext.-prot. get an overlayicon // X-Ray :: CorrectAppIcons
Changed WiZaRd Makes eMule to keep the PROPER limit of the queue // X-Ray :: QueueSizeFix
Changed JvA Changed executable icon  
Removed Slugfiller NoNeededRequeue due to netfinity's code // X-Ray :: NoNeededRequeue


eMule 0.47c X-Ray MoD 0.1 Alpha

Type Idea/Src from Disription Used Tag
Feature netfinity DynamicBlockRequest // X-Ray :: DynamicBlockRequest
Feature BlueSonicBoy DL Part completion speed-up code // X-Ray :: PartCompletionSpeedUp
Feature Xman Better Passive Source Finding // X-Ray :: BetterPassiveSourceFinding
Feature Xman Better Chunk Selection // X-Ray :: BetterChunkSelection
Feature Xman Find best Sources // X-Ray :: FindBestSources
Feature Slugfiller NoNeededRequeue // X-Ray :: NoNeededRequeue
Feature Avi3k Colored Queue rank difference to the download list // X-Ray :: QRdiff
Feature Morph/JvA Colored Clientstate // X-Ray :: ColoredClientstate
Feature Commander Client Percentage // X-Ray :: ClientPercentage
Feature Xanatos Session Download // X-Ray :: SessionDownload
Feature VQB OwnCredits // X-Ray :: OwnCredits
Feature Sivka/JvA Slot Control // X-Ray :: SlotControl
Feature VQB/WiZaRd FullChunkTransfer // X-Ray :: FullChunk
Feature WiZaRd You can set the minimum Nr. of Chunks that will be transfered @ Friend-UL // X-Ray :: FUChunkNr
Feature JvA You can set the minimum Nr. of Chunks that will be transfered @ Normal-UL // X-Ray :: NormalChunkNr
Feature Xman Sourcecache // X-Ray :: Sourcecache
Feature Neo Preferences Banner // X-Ray :: PrefBanner
Feature Neo/eMule+ Preferences SlideBar // X-Ray :: PrefSlider
Feature eF-Mod New Statusbar Arrangement and fixed some bugs in the eF-Implementation // X-Ray :: Statusbar
Feature eF-MOD New Toolbar including fixes and several changes (Thx to TommyB for the optic) // X-Ray :: Toolbar
Feature Xanatos/JvA Toolbar is now skinable, so you can use your own images for the bar // X-Ray :: SkinableToolbar
Feature eF-MOD High resulution speedmeter on toolbar with some fixes from David Xanatos // X-Ray :: Speedgraph
Feature Xtreme New SplashScreen Arangement // X-Ray :: SplashExtended
Feature SF-IOM/Xtreme SafeHash // X-Ray :: SafeHash
Feature Xman/NetF If your upload is > 80 kb/s emule switch to lower compression // X-Ray :: VariableCompression
Feature Xman Code Improvement for choosing to use compression // X-Ray :: CompressionChoosing
Feature Slugfiller Requested blocks are now clipped to chunk limits and max. allowed block size // X-Ray :: ReqBlocksClipping
Feature WiZaRd Improved Uploadcaching // X-Ray :: ImprovedUploadCaching
Feature Avi3k Improved Kad's encoding code for CUInt128 // X-Ray :: KadEncode
Feature WiZaRd AutomaticKademliaFirewalledRecheck // X-Ray :: AutoKadFirewallRecheck
Feature SiRoB Outlined Percentage // X-Ray :: OutlinedPercentage
Feature Slugfiller ModID // X-Ray :: ModID
Feature NeoMule ModLog // X-Ray :: ModLog
Change   Changed several Colors  
Feature itsonlyme Modname is shown everywhere in the mod // X-Ray :: Modname
Tweak SiRoB Don't send extended tags to client that don't support it to reduce overhead // X-Ray :: ExtendedProtokolCheck



Internet Zugang notwendig: DSL Flatrate und guter Provider: Arcor, T-Online, Congster




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